This is a brightly colored gunblade “Gunblade of the Crimson Lotus“

It’s a little like a pirate knife.

The design is quite elaborate from the handle to the tip of the cylinder, and the point is the red decoration like coral.

Isn’t it a bewitchingly cursed design?

The three green stones are the “eyes”, right? A fish with a third eye?

Is that so? When I think about it, I’m sure I’m a little scared 💦

Carp … is it?

There is no muzzle in particular. The part like the mouth of a carp is slightly open.

However, among the many gun blades, it has a relatively beautiful design.

In addition, this “Gunblade of the Crimson Lotus” can be obtained at the Ala Mhigo, the The Temple of the Fist, and the Kugane Castle.

It may be easy to coordinate because it is a slightly smaller gunblade.

So, it was a record of the vividly designed gunbreaker weapon “Gunblade of the Crimson Lotus“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement when equipped!