This is a record of the Red Mage’s AF5 costume (Artifact equipment from Lv89) “Atrophy” series.

Wow, the Red Mage AF equipment is really cool!

They all look like the three musketeers.

Red mage AF5 equipment
- 【Head】Atrophy Chapeau
- 【Body】Atrophy Bliaud
- 【Hands】Atrophy Gloves
- 【Legs】Atrophy Bottoms
- 【Feet】Atrophy Thighboots
- 【Weapon】Wild Rose
These should be available somewhere as you progress through the Endwalker story.

The head equipment is a stylish feathered hat.

Very nice shape!

The balance of gold accessories and feather decorations is exquisite.

And above all, the torso equipment is fashionable!

Overall, it has a noble image, but it adds a little cuteness around the collar.

Is the material around the collar velvet?

The waist area is a very sophisticated way to use accessories.

Feet equipment is long boots, so the leg equipment that looks like half pants is cute.

The cloak on one side of the back is fashionable.

The weapon “Wild Rose” is a rapier with a dragon motif.

Fufu, wearing a red mage’s AF equipment makes me feel cool and brave.

Dyed pattern
If you clear the Endwalker caster job quest, you will be able to dye.
Snow White

Soot Black

Honey Yellow

Olive Green

Ceruleum Blue

By the way, what does “Atrophy” mean?
It means “to shrink and shrink”.

eh! ? I feel like it’s a negative name…?

Perhaps it is used in the sense of “a costume that is dignified enough to atrophy the opponent”?

Oh! I see! Nice name! As expected of Namingway ♪
Video recording
I recorded a video of the movement!
So, it was a record of the red mage’s AF5 equipment “Atrophy” series.