This is a record of the mount “Arion” of Endwalker’s “Collector’s Edition (CE)” privilege.

Wow, iron Pegasus! ??

I wonder if this horse is wearing iron armor or has an iron body.

The whole body is covered with iron, and I don’t know which one, but he looks very strong.

When riding, you can rest assured that you are holding the reins firmly.

The face is a little scary …?

She wears knight-like clothes around her waist.

The feathers are purplish and very beautiful.

It has a surprisingly long tail.

I’m sure it’s perfect for Paladin’s AF.
Legends speak of a majestic and unwaveringly loyal horse who would never fail to deliver its master from peril. Such myths were founded in fact, as the divine steed has descended from the heavens to seek one possessed of a true and virtuous heart, with whom it may right the wrongs of the world.
From the official mount commentary

By the way, “Arion” seems to be the name of a horse that appears in Greek mythology.

Certainly it feels like Greece!

You can get this “Arion” by purchasing Endwalker’s “Collector’s Edition (CE)“, but you can get it later by doing a “digital upgrade” without purchasing it from the beginning.

She seems to be a very strong horse, so she seems to be reliable even in a tough adventure!

So, it was a record of Endwalker “Collector’s Edition (CE)” privilege “Arion“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the mount and the BGM!
Various collector’s edition benefits
Billing item summary