Mounts “Whisper-go” and “Whisper A-go-go” that can be obtained at the Yo-Kai Watch collaboration event.

It’s kind of like an amusement park ride.
First of all, “Whisper-go” This was available after collecting 13 types of Yo-Kai Watch minions.

It’s really whisper …

If you look closely, there is a part where you insert coins like those in amusement park vehicles.

Taken in by the vibrant sights of the Gold Saucer, the wandering executive sought out the plaza’s architect to design him a vessel of transportation similar in flamboyance to its myriad attractions. The seats are so finely upholstered riders swear it is as if they are floating on air.(From the official commentary)

After all it was an amusement park ride !

This mount is pretty cute because it moves while turning the mount’s hands when moving.

It’s also cute that this is a little wheelie when running.

Whisper A-go-go
And, “Whisper A-go-go” that can be obtained by collecting 13 types of collaboration weapons.

is shining !

In addition to the shining Whisper, there is Jibanyan next to it, and Whisper’s face looks a little robotic.

Moved by your unyielding dedication and patronage, the wandering executive once again commissioned the architects of the Gold Saucer, this time to upgrade the Whisper-go as a gift from himself and his friend, the wandering minstrel.(From the official commentary)
Certainly quite flashy …

Jibanyan is cute, isn’t it ?

Like the Whisper-go, it has a coin slot.

Jibanyan who is gently grasping is cute.

Like the Whisper, it moves while spinning its hands.

So, it was a record of the Yo-Kai Watch collaboration mounts “Whisper-go” and “Whisper A-go-go.”
Check out the video to see how the mount works !