This is a record of Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the Chondrite Magitek Twinfangs.

Wow, I got a cool dual-wielding sword!

Steampunk weapons?

The sword is designed to look as if steam will spew out at any moment, and the meters and gears create a great atmosphere.

And when you unsheathe the sword, the tip of the blade moves, accompanied by a sound effect similar to that of a power being turned on.

Wow, a power saw!

The blade moves with incredible force. It’s hard to convey the force in a photo, so be sure to check out the video below.

When viewed from above, you can see that there are grooves between the blade parts, allowing the blade to move.

The gear part also rotates, which is really cool!

And the metal parts are shiny gold, it really looks great.

Thanks to the graphics update, the metal parts look really good.

In addition, since the Chondrite Magitek Twinfangs is a crafted weapon, it can also be purchased from the market board.

After all, these kinds of mecha-like weapons are really cool!

I recorded a video of the blades and gears moving!
So that concludes Viper’s dual-wielding weapon, the Chondrite Magitek Twinfangs!

Hmm? Maybe it’s a chainsaw, not an electric saw…