This is a record of mount a monster long-necked bird called “Zu.”

Look! A cool bird has joined us♪

Oh, is that a different color of Bennu?

Zu-chan’s mane is shining golden and he looks so cool!

Its face looks a little scary, but it also looks like a fish, so if you look at it closely it looks cute?

The tips of the wings are also shining gold and are very beautiful.

The claws on the feet are strong and sharp.

And its most distinctive feature is its bushy, shiny tail!

I’m sitting on his back.

It’s a huge monster bird, so it makes me look small.

The way he flies is so graceful and cool!

But it’s a pretty scary monster.

But the way he runs is kind of cute!

This “Zu” is a mount that can be obtained from the expeditionary voyage in FC housing, but it can also be bought and sold on the market board.

I recorded him running and the background music on video!
So that concludes my record of the mount of the giant, long-necked bird, “Zu“!

It’s surprisingly rare to find mounts that can be bought and sold on the market board!