This is a record of the Oppressor mount, the series level 25 reward for PvP Season 6.

Ta-da! I got the Oppressor♪

Wow, Alexander’s Oppressor!

It is an Oppressor that appears in “Alexander – The Fist of the Father” and is also one of the robots that appears in “Hidden Gorge“.

The overall design is like a castle or a fortress.

I’m sitting right on top of this head.

But the commentary says that there’s plenty of room inside for a comfortable ride.

I’m riding in this during Hidden Gorge.

The eyes and the cannon move. The eyes are a little scary…

From above, this is definitely a Big Zam

What is Big Zam? I’m sure it’ll be something Gundam-related anyway (lol)

This robot has thin legs, so it looks kind of cute when it runs.

And when it flies, it spews fire.

It has several verniers on the front and rear.

Since there are so many of them, it seems like it would be easy to control your posture in the air.

Hehe, I never thought I’d be able to ride an Oppressor outside.

This “Oppressor” is a reward for reaching Series Level 25 in Series 6 of PvP (it’s only available for a limited time, so hurry up if you want it!)

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes Alexander’s robot mount, the Oppressor!

I love firing missiles at Hidden Gorge, so this makes me really happy♪