This is a record of the support unit mount “Pod 602” that appears in NieR: Automata.

Wow, the long-awaited Pod-chan!


Yes, why don’t you want to call Pod-chan because it’s cute?

You can hang around and move around, just as you did in YoRHa’s content.

The shape is NieR’s support unit itself.

It’s holding my arm.

Pod-chan has great power, right?

Recovered from the ruins of the machine lifeforms, this diminutive white machina was created to provide YoRHa units with movement support. On account of this, it can easily transport one person…if not exactly in style or comfort.
From the official mount commentary

Wow, it can easily transport one person!

When moving, it pulls me forward.

Hanging out ♪

The size may not be so different from the minion.

This “Pod 602” can be obtained in exchange for 300,000 MGP at the Gold Saucer.
Surprisingly, I didn’t need MGP so much.

Yoshi P said that the kindness of the people in the development team!
Video recording
BGM is also cool and cool!
So, it was a record of NieR’s support unit mount “Pod 602“.

I’m glad I was looking forward to the pod mount coming out!