This is the record of the Scholar’s Weapon “Lunar Envoy’s Codex“.

Wow, I got a really cute book!

It’s the moon series.

This is a gorgeous book decorated with crescent moon-like decorations.

It is decorated with fashionable decorations such as cloth and belts.

The jewelry is scattered in places and looks very luxurious.

And the gem itself flashes as if it were breathing slowly. Mysterious!

Inside, there is a complex magical crest written on it.

This is very stylish♪

The summoner’s was cold and cool, but the scholar’s looks warm and pretty!

Is it a day and night image?

The “Lunar Envoy’s Codex” can be obtained in Radz-at-Han in exchange for Araganthome stones and other items.

Maybe one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen?

The situation with the movement was recorded on video!
So, these are the records of the Lunar Envoy’s Codex, the scholar’s crescent weapon!

A very nice treasure♪