This is a record of the Reaper’s scythe “Hellhound Scythe“.

Oooh, I got another very chuni-feeling weapon!

It’s the one that Norirow-san likes…

It has a rugged design and bandages are wrapped here and there, making it very chuni!

The handle appears to be classically made of wood.

And when you set it up, the cracked part on the blade glows red.

Wow, red lightning!

Very cool!

If you look closely, you can also see something red on the tip of the scythe… blood?

As you approach it, you can see that it is quite well used.

Doesn’t a wooden handle look weak?

Fufufu, this must be made from an old tree that is thousands of years old. And it’s a very strong scythe because it’s wrapped in a mysterious ether, I’m sure.

Ah, Norirow-san’s delusion has started again, so let’s leave it alone.

Dyed pattern
Metal parts are dyed.
Original Color

Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

This “Hellhound Scythe” is one of the PvP rewards. Obtained by collecting Wolf Collars that can be redeemed with Trophy Crystals in Crystalline Conflict.

It’s a cool PvP-like weapon!

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record for Reaper’s PvP weapon “Hellhound Scythe“!

I got another good treasure ♪