This is a record of the book “Law’s Order Index“, the third form (fourth stage) of the Summoner’s Resistance Weapon (RW).

Wow, this is my favorite green book!

It’s a fairly thick book, isn’t it a dictionary?

When you open the book, the decorations on the outside will expand as if they were popping out.

It’s kind of like a “Momora Mora” decoration, isn’t it?

Huh! 💦 When you said that, I thought so too …

The green color of the exterior is deep, and it is a classic and fashionable book.

The written content is also cool.

It is also fashionable to have a slightly yellow part inside.

How to evolve
In addition, this “Law’s Order Index” has evolved to the previous stage “Espiritus Recollection”, and after receiving an order for a quest from Zlatan in Gangos, “Loathsome Memory of the Dying” is 15 You can evolve it by collecting pieces.

This “Loathsome Memory of the Dying” is available in Bozjan’s “Castrum Lacus Litore”, “Critical Engagement”, or “Crystal Tower” series. Castrum Lacus Litore has 5 confirmed items, so it seems efficient to wait for Castrum Lacus Litore while going around critical engagement within Bozjan.

At first glance, it’s a quiet design, but it’s a very stylish book with a taste!

So, it was a record of the Summoner’s Resistance Weapon (RW) 3rd Form (4th Stage) “Law’s Order Index“.
▼ The state of the movement was recorded in the video!
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