This is a record of the Dragoon Spear “Ktiseos Spear” available on Ktisis Hyperboreia.

Wow, this is a very nice spear!


Eh 💦 Isn’t it like a flower bud?

If you look closely, you will find a relief of roses. The overall design is like a silver accessory, and it’s very fashionable.

A chain is wound around the tip of the handle.

The more I see this, the cooler this spear is!

If you stab it more tightly after stabbing it, the thorns around it will stab and it will hurt.

This is scary 💦

Even so, it looks like a very elaborately crafted ornament, and the design is so nice that you want to decorate it.

This is another wonderful treasure ♪

So, it was a record of the dragoon weapon “Ktiseos Spear” that can be obtained at Ktisis Hyperboreia.
▼ Please check the video to see how the movements are mixed!