The legendary phantom beast, “Fenrir” is familiar in the FF series.

Is it an ice phantom beast ?

It’s a big and cool phantom beast with a icy pattern on the whole body.

Fenrir is a bit like Kamuy Of The Nine Tails.

If you look up at him, he looks very wild.

But somewhere a kind face.

When running, Lalafell looks like this and has a jockey style.

When it flies, the ice appears brilliantly and it is very beautiful.

Is it running on ice ?

Following the rise of Ishgard, hoarhounds all but disappeared from the Coerthas highlands. However, the shift in climate caused by the Calamity has seen the legendary beasts descend from their mountain dens once more. (From official setting)

This mount is available in exchange for 1 million MGP points on the Gold Saucer.

It’s a really cool mount, so let’s do our best to collect MGP !