I really like the “Bergsteiger’s Jacket” that I can buy at the FF14 Online Store, so I thought about coordinating a healer and a tank.

I really like the normal color that doesn’t dye, so I just use it.
Healer Coordination
First, coordinate with a healer.

It looks like a dwarf.

The coordination here is…
- 【Head】Sharlayan Preceptor’s Hat
- 【Body】Bergsteiger’s Jacket
- 【Hands】Direwolf Gloves of Healing(Loam brown)
- 【Legs】Augmented Shire Preceptor’s Hose
- 【Feet】Idealized Arbatel Thighboots(Loam brown)※For scholars only
Only the feet are for scholars.

I can’t dye this “Sharlayan Preceptor’s Hat” which is my favorite, but I like the color as it is.

The “Direwolf Gloves of Healing” on the arm is almost the same as the “Saurian Gloves of Healing,” but the white embroidery of XX stands out.

Even if the embroidery is different, the impression will change a lot.
The “Augmented Shire Preceptor’s Hose” on the legs has a slightly cool design. The “Idealized Arbatel Thighboots” on the toes are quite voluminous even for Lalafell, so it’s easy to match them with various clothes.

Lalafell is always disappointed that his foot gear is so small that he can hardly see it. So shoes with this volume are easier to balance.

It has become a pretty scholar. By the way, this book is “Jebat Eureka.”
Tank coordination
Next is the coordination of the tank.

Lumberjack ?

What I wear together here…
- 【Head】Pagos Circlet(Wine Red)
- 【Body】Bergsteiger’s Jacket
- 【Hands】Voeburtite Gauntlets of Fending
- 【Legs】Expeditioner’s Kecks(Soot Black)
- 【Feet】Deepgold Sollerets of Fending
- 【Weapon】Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe

When I wear this outfit and hold an axe, it looks like a lumberjack… 💦
The “Pagos Circlet” on the head is a stylish feather decoration.

The “Voeburtite Gauntlets of Fending” on the hand is quite volume-equipped and looks like a tank.

There are other arm equipments of the same design besides those for tanks.

The “Expeditioner’s Kecks” on the leg has a leather decoration on the right foot that makes it easy to match with other clothes. The “Deepgold Sollerets of Fending” on the foot creates a tank-like atmosphere with a moderate volume and metallic feel.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it’s a lumberjack.

I purposely held a high-tech ax so that it wouldn’t look like a lumberjack…
So it was an example of a healer/tank coordination using my favorite “Bergsteiger’s Jacket.”
▼Please check the video for detailed costume movements !
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