This is a very fashionable Machinist gun “Molybdenum Rimfire” with an antique design among many guns.

This design is really cool !

It’s a classic gun.

When Lalafell carries it on his back, it looks like this.

The size is also moderate, and it has just the right presence.

The handle is simple, but the barrel is quite elaborately decorated.

There is no particular effect. However, guns with elaborate designs are often cooler when they are held without effects.

You can buy this gun at a store such as Kugane, or you can make it with Blacksmith Lv68. So you can buy it on the market board.

I’m glad that the design is so good even though it’s easily available.

I want to wear a classic outfit for this gun !
So, it was an introduction of the antique design Machinist gun “Molybdenum Rimfire.”
▼ Please check this coolness in the video !