This is a record of the Bard’s Anima Weapon (AW) 8th stage (final form), “Terpander Lux“.

Ta-da! AW is finally finished♪

Wow, it’s evolved into something so luxurious.

The design is the same as the previous stage, but it shines gold. I love how the feathers shine blue.

There is a large space at the bottom.

When you take aim, a blue arrow of light will appear accompanied by a flame-like sound effect!

Wow, the color of the light has changed and the effect is now even more intense!

The blue effect dances beautifully in a swirling motion.

The lower space also glows blue.

The quiver has a unique shape, and the red jewel is stylish and cute.

I like it, this is a very strong and cool looking bow ♪

Dyeing Patterns
The gold part will change color.
Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

This arrow effect is a common mark on anima weapons.

Maybe it’s a spirit symbol.

I recorded the glowing and sound effects in the video!
So that concludes the record of the Bard’s final stage of the anima weapon, “Terpander Lux“!

Yay! I’ve finally finished my AW♪