This is a record of a compilation of all forms of the Bard’s Anima Weapon (AW).

Yay! I’ve got all the Bard anima weapons!
Fufu, congratulations Noriko-chan.

▼📝 How to make Anima Weapon!
If you exchange your spare poetics for materials on a regular basis, you can make anima weapons in no time.

Photos don’t do the glowing effect justice, so be sure to check out the video below.
So, without further ado, here is a summary of all the stages of the Bard’s Anima Weapon!
1st Stage: Animated Berimbau
The first stage, “Animated Berimbau“, is a bow with a slightly Thavnairian design.

It’s interesting that even the quiver is turned into a musical instrument!
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
The angular design is distinctive.

2nd Stage: Berimbau Awoken
The second stage, “Berimbau Awoken,” has the same design as the previous stage, but adds glowing effects.

This effect is just like sheet music, it really feels like an instrument!
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
Well, it’s an effect common to Awoken.

3rd Stage: Gandeva
In the third stage, ‘Gandiva‘, the design changes and it resembles a beautiful harp.

Wow, it sounds like a sacred bird harp!
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
It’s a beautiful design inspired by Greek mythology.

4th Stage: Hyperconductive Gandiva
The fourth stage, “Hyperconductive Gandiva,” retains the same design as the previous stage but adds glowing effects.

The way the light penetrates the weapon itself is really cool.
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
It feels like the weapon has a life of its own.

5th Stage: Bow of the Autarch
The fifth stage, the “Bow of the Autarch“, undergoes a complete change in design, evolving into a transforming bow.

It’s so cool how the shield-like thing opens! I think my brother would like it (lol)
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
Wow, the design is reminiscent of Gundam UC and looks really cool!

6th Stage: Sharpened Bow of the Autarch
The sixth stage, the Sharpened Bow of the Autarch, has the same design as the previous stage but with the addition of a glowing effect.

Wow, it’s so sparkly and beautiful!
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
It looks like the Psycoframe is glowing!?

7th stage: Terpander
The seventh stage, “Terpander“, undergoes a complete change in design, evolving into a large bow with glowing arrows.

Wow, it looks like the bow is going to fire arrows with incredible force!
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
The AW common emblem is floating large.

Final Stage: Terpander Lux
The eighth (final) stage, “Terpander Lux“, has the same design as the previous stages but with different effects.

Oh, it has turned into a golden bow of blue light!
📚 I’ve recorded the details here!
This is a unique design that is worth evolving.

Video Summary
Photos don’t do the glowing effect justice, so be sure to check out the video!
So that concludes my record of all the stages of the Bard’s Anima Weapon!

They all look so cool, it’s hard to decide which one to use!