This is a record of Norirow-san and Noriko-chan using the “Fierce Tyrant’s Cuirass” to match the costumes of “Royal Knight in Crimson Armor.”

Hehe, I got the red armor I’ve always wanted, so I’m going to match it with my brother♪

This was quite difficult to obtain 💦

This “Fierce Tyrant’s Cuirass” is a limited time equipment that can be obtained by reaching series level 25 in PvP Series 5. Although it is armor, it can be worn by all jobs.

Norirow’s coordination
- 【Head】Durium Hairpin of Fending
- 【Body】Fierce Tyrant’s Cuirass
- 【Hands】Heirloom Gauntlets of Fending
- 【Legs】Augmented True Linen Skirt of Fending
- 【Feet】Fierce Tyrant’s Sollerets
Norirow’s Glamour is for Tanks. The head is dyed Mole Brown, the body and hands are dyed Wine Red, and the legs are dyed Dalamud Red.
Noriko’s coordination
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Fierce Tyrant’s Cuirass
- 【Hands】Reindeer Gloves
- 【Legs】Faerie Tale Princess’s Long Skirt
- 【Feet】Scion Traveler’s Boots
Noriko’s Glamour is for All Jobs. The head, torso, legs, and feet are dyed Wine Red.

This armor is heavy, but it has a very noble and cool, like a knight in the royal palace♪

The decoration around the shoulders is especially outstanding. The right shoulder is exposed, but the left shoulder is covered with cloth.

Norirow wears sturdy gauntlets, and Noriko wears fluffy gloves. And both of them chose slightly different skirts.
← (Left) Norirow / Noriko (Right) →

The back looks very elegant too.

The asymmetrical cloak is stylish.

The texture of the cloth looks very luxurious. Even the design details are very sophisticated.

Norirow has the final form of the Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon, Excalibur Zeta.

You look very strong!

Noriko has Titania’s sword “The Fae’s Crown Sword“.

Noriko-chan seems like a pretty knight.

Neither of you usually wear heavy armor, but this might suit you.

Hehe, that’s right. I saw someone wearing this armor on the street and fell in love with it at first sight, so I did my best and went to PvP!

(Noriko-chan forced me to go there because she said, “It definitely suits you!”💦)

It’s nice to try matching outfits together like this every once in a while♪

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is a record of Norirow and Noriko trying to match the “Crimson Royal Palace Knight” costume using “Fierce Tyrant’s Cuirass“!

They are really similar siblings.