This is a record of Bard’s Manderville weapons (MW) final form (fourth stage) “Mandervillous Compound Bow“.

Fufufu, my brother forgot to eat and sleep and was already dizzy from collecting Causality, so I forced him to take me home and put me to bed! That’s why I made MW instead♪

(This makes Noriko-chan quite angry…)

This bard’s MW looks like a large machine tool when carried on its back.

It’s hard to tell what it is at first glance, but you can see that it has a very elaborate structure.

However, when you hold it up, it takes on the shape of a bow, and a glowing honeycomb barrier-like effect appears!

Wow, that’s a really mechanical bowgun!

And this glowing effect alternates between blue and purple.

The arrows are emitting intense light and look very strong.

The quiver is also quite mechanical.

Are strings made of light? It’s very mysterious in a way.

This looks like a machinist’s mechanism, right?

Dyeing Patterns
The overall color changes, so the image changes quite a bit.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

I got an amazing bow♪

I recorded the glowing effect in a video!
So, this is the record of the final form of Bard’s Manderville weapons, “Mandervillous Compound Bow“!

If my brother stays up all night again trying to collect Causality, I think I’ll be able to stop him with this♪