This is a record of the ninja dual sword “Sophic Points” that can be obtained in Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme).

Wow, I got some really cool dual swords!

It looks a bit like a vajra, a ritual implement.

There are gold decorations between the black crystals, giving it a very luxurious feel.

And when you take a stance, it stretches a little.

Wow, I really like movable weapons!

Sophia has a somewhat religious image, so I wonder if that’s why it looks like a vajra.

Looking closer, it looks more like obsidian than black crystal.

Could it be the Heart of Sabik?💦

The Sophic Points is a weapon that can be obtained in Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme), but there is also a shiny version of it called the Points of the Goddess, which can be purchased on the market board.

The glowing one is nice, but I actually prefer this non-glowing type!

It’s also great that Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) can now be cleared solo in Unsynced mode.

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes our record of the ninja weapon “Sophic Points” that can be obtained at Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)!

If it’s the Heart of Sabik, it would be an incredibly powerful weapon…?💦