This is a record of a glamour arrangement of Norirow’s favorite G’raha costume.

Casual engineer-style adventure wear.

Fufu, it suits you really well and looks cool♪

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Head Engineer’s Goggles
- 【Body】Ex-arch’s Jacket
- 【Hands】Ex-arch’s Bracers
- 【Legs】Peacelover’s Pantaloons
- 【Feet】Trailblazer’s Shoes
- 【Ear】Rainbow Carnation Earring
- 【Weapon】Bayonet Eternal
The body is dyed snow white x snow white, the hands and feet are snow white, and the legs are dyed ink blue.
Although I’m equipped with a Gunbreaker weapon here, this is a useful glamour that can be worn for all jobs.

I have Cid’s goggles on my head.

I really like wearing goggles on my forehead.

G’raha’s costume has a lot of accessories with a slightly Asian feel.

Wear jeans for a casual look. The flared design is a nice touch.

This costume surprisingly matches any weapon, so it’s easy to use.

Here I’m equipped with the Queen Eternal’s very futuristic weaponry, and it doesn’t look too out of place.

Well, it’s based on G’raha’s costume, so it’s an all-rounder.

I see, I can wear this casually and it suits me, so I think G’raha’s costume will come in handy♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes my record of the “casual engineer-style outfit” I created by adapting the G’raha costume!

I wonder if there will be more varieties of forehead goggles?