This is a record of Paladin’s Manderville weapons(MW) First Form “Manderville Sword” & “Manderville Kite Shield“.

Wow, that’s a cool sword and shield.

It’s a classic and classy design.

Although it is based on silver, it feels refreshing that blue is used here and there.

Although it has an atmosphere that has been used as a whole, it is an image that is carefully maintained.

The decoration on the sword is very classy.

Is it the design of the Holy Spirit?

The use of blue jewels is also very beautiful.

You can see that it is quite thick when viewed from the side.

The shield is also a very elaborate design.

The shield is surprisingly thin and seems easy to handle.

I feel like I’ve seen this pair of griffon marks with swords somewhere…

Look at your own back! It’s the same as the mark on the cloak of the AF5 costume.

Oh, I didn’t realize that! 💦
But how is this happening? Did Tataru follow Manderville’s original design, or did Godbert follow AF5’s costume… which one?

Dyed pattern
There are few parts that can be dyed, but the impression changes unexpectedly because the accent color part changes.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

The Manderville Sword and Manderville Kite Shield will soon be available as you progress through the Manderville weapons story (which is derived from Hildibrand Adventures).

It’s possible that Tataru-san originally had Godbert-san’s help.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of Paladin’s Mandaville Weapon first stage “Manderville Sword” & “Manderville Kite Shield“.

I’m looking forward to seeing this light up ♪