This is a record of the shiny versions of the Hydaelyn weapons for Paladins, “Bastard Sword of Sanctifying Light” and “Shield of Sanctifying Light.”

Wow, Hydaelyn’s weapon finally shines!

Wow, that beautiful sword and shield look even more divine.

A sword and shield made of crystal.

The silver and crystal blue create a luxurious and noble image.

It already has a faint, divine glow to begin with, but when you hold it, an even more brilliant glow effect is added.

Crystal light radiates from one part of it like a halo, and the entire thing is covered by a blue aura.

Wow, that’s so divine…

The effects are different on the front and back.

If you look closely, you can see phantom light fragments dancing around, which is truly beautiful.

The shield also has a halo effect and the crystal parts shine brightly.

There’s light pouring out from the center, and it looks like it has incredible power.

It looks a bit like a Clione.

Eh, a Clione?! That means it’s angelic… right?

By the way, the “Bastard Sword of Sanctifying Light” and “Shield of Sanctifying Light” are crafted weapons, so they can be obtained on the market board.

I’ve always wanted to get my hands on Hydaelyn’s sword, so this is a very emotional moment for me.

I recorded the glowing effect on video!
So that concludes my record of Hydaelyn’s glowing paladin weapons, “Bastard Sword of Sanctifying Light” and “Shield of Sanctifying Light“!

I feel like I’ve become so much stronger!