This is a record of the white mage’s AF5 weapon (artifact weapon that can be equipped from Lv89) “Xoanon“.

Wow, that’s a unicorn cane.

The previous AF canes had a pretty big impact, so compared to them, this one looks quiet.

It has a beautiful sculpture-like shape. It seems that a little greenish gem is used at the base.

The bottom of the handle has a square pyramid shape.

Both the tip of the cane and the tip of the handle are sharp, so it seems like you can attack even if you stab it like a spear.

I thought it was a unicorn, but the more I looked at it, the more I thought it was a Bismarck.

It’s because it has wings, but if you think about it, is it a Pegasus?

Oh I see! It could be the cane of Pegasus.

By the way, you should be able to get this “Xoanon” somewhere as you progress through the Endwalker story.

Dyed pattern
You can also dye it by completing the Endwalker healer role quest.
Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Olive Green

Ceruleum Blue

By the way, “Xoanon” is an ancient Greek wooden doll.

Oh, is this made of wood instead of metal?

Hmm, pottery?

Eh, if that’s the case, it will break right away💦
Video recording
I recorded a video of the movement!
So, it was a record of the white mage’s AF5 weapon “Xoanon“.