I think people are creatures that cannot live unless someone needs them.
Even those who seem to live strongly alone are unknowingly being saved by some benefit from someone, and always doing something for someone else.
Everyone needs someone else, and everyone can make someone else alive, and everyone is made alive by someone else.
I’m sure people are lonely creatures.
Primals are born from people’s prayers and strong wishes.
And they are needed by people and kept alive by their strong faith.
Those who believe in Primal’s are blessed by Primal’s and kept alive. They are happy in their unconsciousness.
At first glance, it looks like a one-sided relationship, but they are living with mutual support.
Nothing is different from the relationship between people.
Primals are also surely lonely creatures.
Above all, people are born from the prayers and pure wishes of fathers and mothers.
There is no difference between people and primals in terms of “the reason for being born” and “behavior after being born”.
Maybe we are primals.
Now, it’s finally “Endwalker”.
It is an “Endwalker” that we were born with a genuine need.
Endwalker may be primals, so to speak.
From today we are needed and kept alive by Endwalker.
I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore …
Thank you for creating Endwalker.
Maybe that’s all I wanted to say.