* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

“Seiryu’s Spine” Whip-like Dark Knight Sword · The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)

I found a wonderful treasure today.
I found a wonderful treasure today.



This FF14 world has no “whip” equipment, so this is a truly valuable design. And this is the Dark Knight’s weapon…!

Seiryu’s Spine

It’s usually a jagged sword…

This is what happens when you remove a sword.

This gimmick is quite impressive.


I don’t think it can be seen in the photo, so check the video below!

After turning like a whip, return to the sword.

I don’t know what the structure is (I’m worried about the strength after returning to the sword), but I’m sure that the magic of Seiryu can achieve this.

And since it bears the name “Seiryu”, the sword has a blue finish.


It looks like a fish scale.

Or Doragan?


It can be obtained in The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme).

▼ There is also another glowing version!

It would hurt if cut with this sword…

It’s a very powerful dark sword.

Seiryu’s Spine

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Thank you for reading. See you !