This is a record of Yukinko’s young minion, “Yukinko Snowflake“.

Look! Koyuki-chan has joined us♪

Fufu, she’s Yukinko, so maybe it’s Koyuki-chan?

Yukinko looks similar to Korpokkur.

A very cute minion with a face very similar to Korpokkur.

Her face is really cute♪

The “straw hat” she wears is also very cute.

Her legs are very slender and delicate.

And then she suddenly shrunk…

She jumps extremely high!

Wow, she has amazing jumping power despite her appearance!

In addition, this “Yukinko Snowflake” can be rarely obtained in the lock box of Forbidden Land Eureka “Hydatos Edition”.

It’s true that Yukinko can often be seen in Eureka.

Yeah, I’ve always thought she was cute, so I’m glad she joined me♪
▼ I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of Yukinko’s young minion “Yukinko Snowflake“!

She follows me around when I run, which is really cute!