This is a record of the charging mount “Eggshilaration System” that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.

My brother bought me a Hatching-tide mount!

Norirow-san didn’t come home at all after Manderville Weapon ended, and Noriko-chan was angry. (You bought it to please Noriko-chan, didn’t you?)

Ugh 💦

Fufu, you bought me a cute vehicle, so I’ll forgive you!
A cute egg-shaped mount.

The pattern is like Radz-at-Han and it is very beautiful!

Sit quietly on top of the egg.

For Lalafell girls, she puts her hands on her knees for a classy look.

It tilts slightly when moving.

It’s so beautiful how it sparkles!

And there is a gimmick called “Shockobo” that pops out a chocobo!

Aw, so cute!

It seems that the inside was a fluffy cushion.

Still, it’s a mysterious mount, isn’t it?
After learning of the latest of the Dreamer’s visions─a giant floating ovoid delivering eggs to all the good boys and girls of the realm─Nonotta and friends literally scrambled to find a means of bringing her dream to life. All it required was a little aid from the Sons of Saint Coinach…and the remnants of some ancient Allagan technology.
From the mount official commentary
Is it an Allag relic?

Hehe, it’s cute, so anything is fine!

(I’m glad Noriko-chan fixed her mood💦)

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record of the mount “Eggshilaration System” that can be purchased at the FF14 online store!

See You!
Various billing items