This is a recording of Sage’s Nouriths “Radiant’s Milpreves“.

Wow, I got some Nouriths that look like bats!

Bat? It’s a baby dragon, isn’t it?

When you say that, I also look like a dragon…

It is a design that seems to be no doubt that some flying animal is a motif.

it is spreading its wings.

A few scales on the back.

If you stare at it, its eyes glow pink and blink slowly as if it were breathing.

I don’t think you can convey the blinking state with just a picture, so I recorded it in the video below!

It might look like a bat after all…

Well, it doesn’t matter which one, but I’m a little happy that it looks like a bird is flying from my back.

This “Radiant’s Milpreves” can be obtained in Radz-at-Han by exchanging Allagan tomestones and others.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s all for the record of the Sage’s Weapon “Radiant’s Milpreves“!

Animal weapons are fun!