This is a record of the Astrologian’s glowing celestial sphere “Lift of the Vortex“.

Wow, it’s a very beautiful heavenly ball!

This is a cute and beautiful design, isn’t it?

It is cute that it is pale yellowish green as a whole.

Like Garuda’s celestial sphere, it is decorated with feather decorations.

Is there a gear-like part in the center?

When you hold it, it unfolds and glows.

And the wings are scattered and very beautiful!

Oh, this is a beautiful effect!

I don’t think the photos alone will tell you how the wings are flying, so be sure to check out the video below!

The green jewel part is also shining.

The gradation of white and pale green is beautiful.

It looks delicious, doesn’t it?

eh! looks delicious! ?? 💦

This “Lift of the Vortex” is a crafter-made weapon, so it can also be purchased on the market board.

It’s easy to get, but I’m glad that it’s so nice ♪
Video recording
I recorded the appearance of the feathers flying in the video!
This is a good treasure.

So, it was a record of Garuda’s Astrologian weapon “Lift of the Vortex“.