Paladin Arm A shining paladin weapon with suzaku wings flying around “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Longsword & Shield”
Paladin Arm Early Gladiator’s fashionable shield, Sastasha’s floral treasure “Warded Round Shield” (Noriko Note)
Ninja Arm The ninja weapon “Hofuds” is a large assassin sword and is named after the divine sword of Norse mythology.
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF4 weapon, a deformed shield with spreading wings and a brave sword “Sequence & Srivatsa”
Scholar Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Scholar Weapon Mechanical Butterfly Book “Codex Eternal”
Sage Arm Sage’s AF5 weapon, Endwalker trailer, a beautiful Nouliths using Alphinaud “Hagneia” This is a record of Sage's AF5 (Lv89) weapon "Hagneia".It belongs to a relatively large category amo 2022.01.09 Sage Arm
Artifact Sage’s AF5 equipment, Alphinaud’s Endwalker edition trailer costume “Didact” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the "Didact" series equipped with AF5 (Lv89) of the Sage.※ AF5 equipment is an a 2022.01.08 Artifact
Reaper Arm Dark Fantasy Scythe / Reaper’s Holminster Switch Weapon “Lakeland Scythe” This is a record of the reaper weapon "Lakeland Scythe" available on Holminster Switch.The size is r 2022.01.07 Reaper Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s AF5 weapon, antique and fashionable brass machine gun “Ataktos” This is a record of the Machinist's AF5 (Lv89) weapon "Ataktos".Is it made of brass instead of wood? 2022.01.06 Machinist Arm
Artifact Machinist’s AF5 equipment, steampunk fashionable military uniform “Pioneer” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the "Pioneer" series equipped with AF5 (Lv89) of the Machinist.※ AF5 equipment i 2022.01.05 Artifact
Reaper Arm Edda’s design variable reaper scythe “Blackbosom Void Reaper” This is a record of the scythe "Blackbosom Void Reaper" for reapers, which is a billing equipment th 2022.01.04 Reaper Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s axe with cool effects of ink and lightning “Byakko’s Enspirited Greataxe” This is a record of the warrior's shining white tiger weapon, "Byakko's Enspirited Greataxe".An ax w 2022.01.03 Warrior Arm
Minion Baby white tiger? A very cute minion of a small tiger “Byakko Cub” This is a record of The Jade Stoa (Extreme) minion "Byakko Cub".There is a blue striped pattern on t 2022.01.02 Minion
Glamour [Glamour] The precious Sengoku warlords Haori “Genta / Maiming” series of reaper and dragoon (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the precious kimono "Genta / Maiming" series for reaper and dragoon.Genta / Maim 2022.01.01 Glamour
Reaper Arm Reaper’s “Endwalker Collector’s Edition” bonus weapon “Death Scythe” This is a record of the reaper's scythe "Death Scythe", which is a privilege of "Endwalker Collector 2021.12.31 Reaper Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar’s AF5 weapon, denim-like gorgeous cute book “Epeolatry” This is a record of the scholar's AF5 (Lv89) weapon "Epeolatry".When the book is closed, it looks li 2021.12.30 Scholar Arm
Artifact Scholar’s AF5 equipment-Velvet fashionable military uniform “Academic” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the scholar's AF5 (Lv89) equipment "Academic" series.※ AF5 equipment is an abbre 2021.12.29 Artifact
Reaper Arm Reaper’s AF5 weapon, the devil’s scythe “Death Sickle” This is a record of the Reaper's AF5 (Lv89) weapon "Death Sickle".It is a scythe with a design that 2021.12.28 Reaper Arm
Artifact Reaper’s AF5 equipment / Assassin of the Exile “Reaper” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the "Reaper" series equipped with AF5 (Lv89) of the reaper.※ AF5 equipment is an 2021.12.27 Artifact
Sage Arm Sage’s Space Weapon-like Nouliths “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Wings” This is a record of the Sage's Scaevan Weapon "Augmented Scaevan Magitek Wings".It's a fairly long a 2021.12.26 Sage Arm
Reaper Arm That’s cool! Reaper’s shining scythe, DD Palace of the Dead “Padjali War Scythe” This is a record of the reaper's glowing weapon, Padjali War Scythe.The shape seems to be the same a 2021.12.25 Reaper Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior AF5 Weapon / Ronka-like Demon Axe “Gigantaxe” This is a record of the warrior's AF5 (Lv89) weapon "Gigantaxe".It has a fairly complex design featu 2021.12.24 Warrior Arm
Artifact Warrior’s AF5 equipment-Wild Ronka’s bull “Pummeler” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Warrior's AF5 equipment (Lv89) "Pummeler" series.※ AF5 equipment is an abbre 2021.12.23 Artifact
Sage Arm Sage’s AF4 weapon, soul siphon-like “Horkos” & AF3 weapon “Stonegold Milpreves” This is a record of the Sage's Lv70 initial weapon "Stonegold Milpreves" and the AF4 (Lv80) weapon " 2021.12.22 Sage Arm
Artifact Sage’s AF4 & AF3 equipment, silk material “Therapeutes” & “Bookwyrm” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the AF3 (Lv70) "Bookwyrm" series and the AF4 (Lv80) "Therapeutes" series, which 2021.12.21 Artifact
Warrior Arm Warrior’s nostalgic engine-equipped “rotating saw” axe “Chondrite Magitek Axe” This is a record of the warrior's "Rotating Saw" axe "Chondrite Magitek Axe".It is a weapon that has 2021.12.20 Warrior Arm
Reaper Arm Reaper’s AF4 weapon, “Demon Slicer” with beautiful curves & AF3 weapon “Deepgold War Scythe” This is a record of the reaper Lv70 initial equipment scythe "Deepgold War Scythe" and AF4 weapon (L 2021.12.19 Reaper Arm
Artifact Reaper’s AF4 & AF3 equipment / Crow costume “Harvester” & “Muzhik” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Reaper's Lv70 initial equipment "Muzhik" series and AF4 (Lv80) equipment "Ha 2021.12.18 Artifact
Mount Iron Pegasus Mount “Arion” (Endwalker Collector’s Edition Bonus) This is a record of the mount "Arion" of Endwalker's "Collector's Edition (CE)" privilege.The whole 2021.12.17 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] What will Sage wear? Space suit-like healer costume “Scaevan of Healing” equipment This is a record of the equipment of the space suit-like healer costume "Scaevan of Healing".A set o 2021.12.16 Glamour
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Axe “All Stages” Appearance Summary This is a summary record of all types of Warrior Anima Weapons (AW).So, the warrior's anima weapon i 2021.12.15 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Final Form-Sacred Black Axe of Red Flame “Minos Lux” This is a record of the axe "Minos Lux", which is the final stage (eighth stage) of the warrior's an 2021.12.14 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Stage-Sacred Beautiful Axe of Blue Flame “Minos” This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Form "Minos".It's just a small silver axe at 2021.12.13 Warrior Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Resistance Weapon (RW) 3rd Form (4th Stage) / Green Dictionary “Law’s Order Index” This is a record of the book "Law's Order Index", the third form (fourth stage) of the Summoner's Re 2021.12.12 Summoner Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Stage-Glowing Dark Axe “Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor” This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Form "Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor".Ju 2021.12.11 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 5th Stage-Ultra Dark Fantasy Axe “Axe of the Blood Emperor” This is a record of the ax "Axe of the Blood Emperor", which is the fifth form of the warrior's anim 2021.12.10 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A cute warm soldier’s healer costume for cold regions This is a record of my favorite warm healer coordination.Coordination this time【Head】Expeditioner's 2021.12.09 Glamour
Weapon Collections Summary of appearance and acquisition method of AF4 weapon “all 17 jobs” of Shadowbringers This is a summary record of all 17 jobs of AF4 (Lv80) weapons.※ A glowing version did not appear, bu 2021.12.08 Weapon Collections
White Mage Arm White Mage’s AF4 Weapon, Mysterious Wand “Tishtrya” with Blooming Light Flowers This is a record of the White Mage's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Tishtrya".When you carry it on your back, it 2021.12.07 White Mage Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AF4 weapon, metronome and ribbon are cute bow “Fail-Not” This is a record of the bard's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Fail-Not".The ribbon and feather decoration on the 2021.12.06 Bard Arm
Mount Flying pig mount “Porxie King” with a cute crown This is a record of the mount "Porxie King" obtained in the Lawson collaboration campaign. (Another 2021.12.05 Mount
Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF4 weapon, crescent anchor beauty celestial globe “Procyon” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Procyon".It is a very beautiful celestial g 2021.12.04 Astrologian Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF4 weapon, a deformed shield with spreading wings and a brave sword “Sequence & Srivatsa” This is a record of Paladin's AF4 (Lv80) weapon / sword "Sequence" and shield "Srivatsa".If you look 2021.12.02 Paladin Arm
Dancer Arm Dancer’s AF4 weapon, beautiful circular moon ring “Krishna” with the name of the Hindu god This is a record of the dancer's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Krishna".There are peacock and sun patterns on t 2021.12.01 Dancer Arm
Machinist Arm AF4 weapon of the Machinist, classic and fashionable rifle “Fomalhaut” This is a record of the Machinist's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Fomalhaut".Since it is a rifle, it has a shou 2021.11.30 Machinist Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 4th Stage-Glowing Silver Accessory Axe “Hyperconductive Ukonvasara” This is a record of the fourth form of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW), the Hyperconductive Ukonvasa 2021.11.29 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Third Stage Dark Fantasy Thunder God Axe “Ukonvasara” This is a record of the axe "Ukonvasara", the third form of the warrior's anima weapon (AW).It's mad 2021.11.28 Warrior Arm
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “Shadowbringers” This is a look back on the record of traveling to the "Shadowbringers" edition in "New Game Plus" wi 2021.11.27 Misc notes
Glamour [Glamour] “The Sorrow of Werlyt” style healer costume / Longing for Allie and Alfonse This is a record of healer equipment that imaged the "The Sorrow of Werlyt".Coordination this time【B 2021.11.26 Glamour
Samurai Arm Samurai’s AF4 weapon, Minamoto no Yorimitsu’s favorite sword, the Japanese sword of the dragon “Dojikiri Yasutsuna” This is a record of the Samurai's AF4 weapon (Lv80 weapon) "Dojikiri Yasutsuna".The handle is a litt 2021.11.24 Samurai Arm
Weapon Collections AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon (EW) First Form “All 15 Jobs” Appearance and Acquisition Method Summary This is a summary record of AF3 (Lv70) weapons and Eureka Weapon (EW) first form of "All Jobs". (Bot 2021.11.23 Weapon Collections
Warrior Arm Warrior’s AF4 Weapon-Wild Nomad’s Single-edged Axe “Chango” This is a record of the warrior's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Chango".A nomadic axe perfect for AF4 costumes, 2021.11.22 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “New Game + Shadowbringers” final equipment-Classic and cute flight military uniform coordination This is a record of my favorite “wearable for all jobs” flight suit coordination.Coordination this t 2021.11.21 Glamour
Summoner Arm Summoner’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-“Lesser Key of Solomon” “Lemegeton” This is a record of the Summoner's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Lemegeton" and the first form of Eu 2021.11.20 Summoner Arm
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Excalibur Prototype “Caladbolg” This is a record of the Dark Knight's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Caladbolg" and the Eureka Weapon 2021.11.19 Dark Knight Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-King Arthur’s Legendary Sword and Shield “Galatyn & Evalach” This is a record of Paladin's AF3 (Lv70) weapon / sword "Antiquated Galatyn" & shield "Antiquated Ev 2021.11.18 Paladin Arm
Weapon Collections AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) First Form “All 13 Jobs” Appearance and Acquisition Method Summary This is a summary record of the first stage of AF2 Weapon (Lv60) & Anima Weapon (AW) of "All Jobs". 2021.11.17 Weapon Collections
Monk Arm Monk’s Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form, Reincarnation Tonfa “Samsara” This is a record of "Samsara", the first form (first stage) of Monk's Resistance Weapon (RW).It's a 2021.11.16 Monk Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A new adventurer’s traveler-style tank costume that grew up in “New Game +” This is a record of my favorite tank coordination, which is like a novice adventurer who has travele 2021.11.15 Glamour
Dragoon Arm Dragoon’s AF4 weapon, Shiva’s trident “Trishula” This is a record of the dragoon AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Trishula".The tip of the spear is three-pronged, 2021.11.14 Dragoon Arm
Warrior Arm The Order of the Twin Adder’s Warrior Weapon, The Black Shroud’s Tree Axe “Serpent Captain’s Bardiche” This is a record of the Order of the Twin Adder's senior warrior axe, Serpent Captain's Bardiche.Is 2021.11.13 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Retro classic neat and cute dress clothes coordination This is a record of my favorite classic image coordination.Coordination this time【Head】Nabaath Cap o 2021.11.12 Glamour
Minion Matoya’s Relict’s “Minion” Rainwater Familiar and Cute Young Nixie “Drippy” This is a record of the minion "Drippy" available at Matoya's Relict.It has a body like a drop of wa 2021.11.11 Minion
Summoner Arm Summoner’s AF4 Weapon / Antique Insect Natural Philosophy Book “Meteorologica” This is a record of the Summoner's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Meteorologica".The shape of the book is unique 2021.11.10 Summoner Arm
Dancer Arm Dancer’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Third Form (Fourth Stage) Antique and Cute “Law’s Order Chakrams” This is a record of the throwing weapon "Law's Order Chakrams", the third form (fourth stage) of the 2021.11.09 Dancer Arm