Paladin Arm A shining paladin weapon with suzaku wings flying around “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Longsword & Shield”
Astrologian Arm “The Evening Star” is a mechanical Astrologian’s celestial globe that looks just like a gramophone.
Warrior Arm Arbert’s glowing axe with magic circles, Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) 6th stage “Bravura Nexus”
Viper Arm A leather-bandaged chuunibyou-style Viper dual-wielding weapon, the “Cryptlurker’s Twinfangs”
Glamour [Glamour] A little steamy adventurer-style outfit! Norirow & Noriko-chan brother and sister costume matching
Glamour [Glamour] Sci-fi military uniform “Scaevan of Aiming” series for range like space suit (Lalafell Ver.)
Pictomancer Arm The super cute chocobo and star Pictomancer weapon “Chocobo Brush” (DAWNTRAIL CE bonus)
Warrior Arm Tsukuyomi’s shining warrior weapon, the fashionable Japanese-style axe of the full moon “Tsukuyomi’s Moonlit Greataxe”
Dark Knight Arm A cool bandaged dark knight’s sword “Cryptlurker’s Guillotine” This is a record of the Dark Knight's Great Sword "Cryptlurker's Guillotine".The used sword is banda 2021.11.08 Dark Knight Arm
Artifact AF4 equipment (Lv80) “All 17 jobs” “appearance” and acquisition method summary (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary record of all job AF4 equipment.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forLv80 artifac 2021.11.07 Artifact
Warrior Arm Chic and punk warrior axe Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) weapon “Omega Battle Axe” This is a record of the warrior axe "Omega Battleaxe" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).At first 2021.11.06 Warrior Arm
Artifact Samurai’s AF4 equipment, demon-faced half-cyborg kimono “Kasuga” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Samurai AF4 equipped "Kasuga" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forL 2021.11.05 Artifact
Mount Magical flying chair mount, luxury sofa “Flying Chair” This is a record of the flying chair mount "Flying Chair".This is a rare "crafter production mount" 2021.11.04 Mount
Artifact White Mage AF4 Equipment / Nun of Light “Ebers” Series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the White Mage's AF4 equipped "Ebers" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation 2021.11.03 Artifact
Ninja Arm Ninja AF4 Weapon, Prince Shotoku’s Single-edged Sword, Japanese National Treasure “Heishi Shorinken” This is a record of the ninja AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Heishi Shorinken".A good old noble Japanese sword.T 2021.11.02 Ninja Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Coordinating a fashionable forest hunter by dyeing AF4 of a goldsmith This is a record of my favorite coordination using the Goldsmith AF4 (Lv80's unique equipment).Coord 2021.11.01 Glamour
Monk Arm Monk’s AF4 Weapon-The simplest and strongest fighting tool in history “Godhands” This is a record of Monk's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Godhands".At first glance, it looks like a bare hand w 2021.10.31 Monk Arm
Artifact Dancer’s AF4 equipment, peacock’s butoh costume “Dancer” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the dancer's AF4 equipped "Dancer" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation for 2021.10.30 Artifact
Warrior Arm Classic and antique warrior fashionable axe / Castrum Abania weapon “Sparth” This is a record of the fashionable warrior axe "Sparth" available at Castrum Abania.It's a very bea 2021.10.29 Warrior Arm
Artifact Astrologian’s AF4 equipment “Shadowbringers” Urianger-style costume “Soothsayer” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Astrologian's AF4 equipped "Soothsayer" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbrevi 2021.10.28 Artifact
Black Mage Arm Black Mage AF4 Weapon-Rotating Wand “Khatvanga” Reminiscent of Space This is a record of the Black Mage's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Khatvanga".At the tip of the wand is a cryst 2021.10.27 Black Mage Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Student-style coordination of the cute green magic school This is a record of my favorite "student of magic school" style coordination.Coordination this time【 2021.10.26 Glamour
Mount Is this Unicorn Gundam Mark 3? Golden deformed robot mount “Gabriel Mark III” with a shining psycho frame This is the successor (probably) of that transforming robot mount "Gabriel α", and is a record of th 2021.10.25 Mount
Artifact Warrior AF4 equipment the Azim Steppe nomadic warrior costume “Boii” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the warrior's AF4 equipped "Boii" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forL 2021.10.24 Artifact
Red Mage Arm Red mage AF4 weapon, gorgeous rapier “Aeneas” with the name of the ancient Roman god This is a record of the Red Mage's AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Aeneas".It is a sword with a pretty beautiful 2021.10.23 Red Mage Arm
Artifact Bard’s AF4 equipment, cute! Casual denim fashionable hunter “Fili” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the bard's AF4 equipped "Fili" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forLv80 2021.10.22 Artifact
Warrior Arm Valuable Hammer Equipment-Dwarven Cute Warrior Axe “Dwarven Mythril Hammer” This is a record of the valuable hammer-equipped warrior weapon "Dwarven Mythril Hammer".It has the 2021.10.20 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A “new adventurer-style” costume that travels in “New Game Plus”! (Shadowbringers edition) This is a record of my favorite outfits I chose to enjoy Shadowbringers in "New Game Plus".Coordinat 2021.10.19 Glamour
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “Stormblood” This is a review of the record of traveling to “Stormblood” in “New Game +” with “the SS frontispiec 2021.10.18 Misc notes
Summoner Arm The shining book of the summoner, “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Grimoire”, in which the flames and feathers of Suzaku are scattered. This is a record of the summoner's shining weapon "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Grimoire".The shape of the 2021.10.17 Summoner Arm
Artifact Dragoon’s AF4 equipment, slightly lighter dragon armor “Pteroslaver” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Dragoon's AF4 equipped "Pteroslaver" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviati 2021.10.16 Artifact
Weapon Collections Blue Mage’s Lv60 Weapon, Blue Bomb’s Cute Wand “Incendiario” This is a record of the Blue Mage's Lv60 weapon "Incendiario". (Because it is Lv60, AF2 weapon?)Is t 2021.10.15 Weapon Collections
Artifact Ninja AF4 equipment The legendary demon masked ninja “Hattori” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Ninja AF4 equipment "Hattori" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forL 2021.10.14 Artifact
White Mage Arm White Mage AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Rainbow Featherwand “Aymur” with a Butterfly of Light This is a record of the White Mage's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Aymur" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) 2021.10.13 White Mage Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Cute Halloween coordination with “Vampire’s Vest” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of favorite coordination using the billing equipment "Vampire's Vest" that can be p 2021.10.12 Glamour
Mount Namazu’s cute “portable shrine” Wasshoi Festival mount “Mikoshi” This is a record of Namazu's quest reward mount "Mikoshi".All of Namazu are happily carrying the por 2021.10.11 Mount
Artifact Paladin’s AF4 equipment, orthodox fashionable temple knight costume “Chevalier” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of Paladin's AF4 equipped "Chevalier" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation for 2021.10.10 Artifact
Ninja Arm Ninja Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form, Colorful Japanese Sword-Wakizashi “Honeshirazu” This is a record of the Ninja Resistance Weapon (RW) first form, "Honeshirazu".It is a simple and sh 2021.10.09 Ninja Arm
Artifact Summoner’s AF4 equipment, cute opera-style court costume “Beckoner” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Summoner's AF4 equipment "Beckoner" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviatio 2021.10.08 Artifact
Black Mage Arm Black Mage Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form “Soulscourge,” a cute wand like a red aetheryte This is a record of "Soulscourge," the first form of the Black Mage's Resistance Weapon (RW).When yo 2021.10.07 Black Mage Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Cute bat witch costume for Halloween “Eerie Garments” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the cute Halloween costume "Eerie Garments" that can be purchased from the FF14 2021.10.06 Glamour
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Axe “All Forms” Appearance Summary This is a summary of the appearance of the Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) "All Forms".The evolutionary p 2021.10.05 Warrior Arm
Artifact Black Mage AF4 equipment, cute noble witch clothes “Wicce” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Black Mage's AF4 equipped "Wicce" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation 2021.10.04 Artifact
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Final Form-Glowing Gaming Magitek Axe “Shamash Eureka” This is a record of the weapon "Shamash Eureka", which is the final stage of the warrior Eureka Weap 2021.10.03 Warrior Arm
Artifact Red Mage AF4, noble fashionable Les Trois Mousquetaires “Estoqueur” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Red Mage's AF4 equipped "Estoqueur" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviatio 2021.10.02 Artifact
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form-Cool Axe “Shamash” Like Magitek Armor This is a record of the Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form "Shamash".It is an ax that has a Magit 2021.10.01 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Coordination of cute Bergsteiger for everyday wear in the forest hideaway This is a record of one of my favorite outfits.Coordination this time【Head】Flat Cap【Body】Bergsteiger 2021.09.30 Glamour
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fourth Form-A glowing axe wrapped in flames “Pyros Battleaxe” This is the record of "Pyros Battleaxe", which is the fourth form of the warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) 2021.09.29 Warrior Arm
Artifact Monk AF4 equipment-Indian Buddhist monk-style “Bhikku” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of Monk's AF4 equipment (Lv80 equipment) "Bhikku" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbr 2021.09.28 Artifact
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Third Form, Pagos Axe “Elemental Battleaxe” This is a record of the weapon "Elemental Battleaxe", which is the third form of the warrior Eureka 2021.09.27 Warrior Arm
Artifact “SHADOWBRINGERS” opening movie costume “Bale” series with AF4 equipment of the dark knight (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Dark Knight's AF4 equipped (Lv80 equipped) "Bale" series.※ AF4 equipment is 2021.09.26 Artifact
Warrior Arm Warrior’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form, Bone Strike Axe “Farsha” This is a record of the warrior's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Farsha" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) f 2021.09.25 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A “new adventurer-style” costume that travels through the Stormblood in a “New Game +”! This is a record of my favorite "new adventurer-style" costume that I chose to travel the "Stormbloo 2021.09.24 Glamour
Misc notes [Adventure record] Memories of “New Game Plus” looking back on the SS frontispiece “Heavensward” This is a review of the record of traveling to "Heavensward" in "New Game +" with "the SS frontispie 2021.09.23 Misc notes
Artifact AF3 equipment (Lv70 equipment) “Appearance” of “All 16 jobs” and how to get it (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary record of AF3 equipment for all jobs.※ AF3 equipment is an abbreviation forLv70 ar 2021.09.22 Artifact
Mount Cute Bomb Balloon Flying Bench Kobold Quest Mount “Bomb Palanquin” This is a record of the Kobold Quest mount "Bomb Palanquin".The part of the bench is made of metal, 2021.09.21 Mount
Artifact Blue mage AF3 equipment, fashionable magician “Mirage” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Blue Mage's AF3 equipment "Mirage" series.※ AF3 equipment is an abbreviation 2021.09.20 Artifact
Warrior Arm Feel like a reaper with Edda’s weapon! Warrior “Sickle” equipment “Blackbosom Grim Reaper” This is a record of Edda's weapon, the warrior Sickle "Blackbosom Grim Reaper."It's not very volumin 2021.09.19 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] FFT Agrias costume, Orbonne tank equipment “Holy Knight” series (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the Holy Knight series of costumes available at The Orbonne Monastery, which are 2021.09.18 Glamour
Scholar Arm Goddess Sophia’s Shining Scholar Weapon, Holy Aura Book “Song of the Goddess” This is a record of the shining scholar's book "Song of the Goddess".It is based on a white book and 2021.09.17 Scholar Arm
Artifact White mage AF3 equipment, noble and cute missionary “Seventh Heaven” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the White Mage's AF3 equipment "Seventh Heaven" series.※ AF3 equipment is an abb 2021.09.16 Artifact
Monk Arm Monk’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Rhalgr’s Fist with Chakra Shining “Sudarshana Chakra” This is a record of Monk's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Sudarshana Chakra" and Eureka Weapon (EW) f 2021.09.15 Monk Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Cute “Pagos Bolero Travel Scholar” Healer Coordination This is a record of my favorite healer coordination.Coordination this time【Head】Sharlayan Preceptor' 2021.09.14 Glamour
Ninja Arm Very cute Titania ninja weapon “The King’s Cleavers” with butterfly feathers This is a record of the ninja weapon "The King's Cleavers" that can be obtained in The Dancing Plagu 2021.09.13 Ninja Arm
Artifact AF3 equipment of Machinist, camouflage-like military uniform “Gunner” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Machinist's AF3 equipped "Gunner" series.※ AF3 equipment is an abbreviation 2021.09.12 Artifact
Warrior Arm Chic and fashionable warrior axe, Holminster Switch weapon “Lakeland War Axe” This is a record of the warrior weapon "Lakeland War Axe" available in "Holminster Switch".It is ver 2021.09.11 Warrior Arm
Dragoon Arm Dragoon AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Peacock Spear? “Ryunohige” This is a record of the Dragoon's AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Ryunohige" and the Eureka Weapon (EW 2021.09.10 Dragoon Arm
Mount FF15 collaboration, 4-seater mount “Regalia TYPE-G” that transforms from a car to a flight form This is a record of the car mount "Regalia Type-G" that can be obtained at the FF15 collaboration ev 2021.09.09 Mount