* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *


Paladin Arm

Paladin’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Sword & Kite Shield”

This is a record of Paladin's Manderville weapons(MW) First Form "Manderville Sword" & "Manderville

[Glamour] Noriko-chan’s Sharlayan University Uniform Coordination for Philosopher

This is a record of Noriko's favorite Caster Glamour.Coordination for this time【Head】Far Eastern Sch
Red Mage Arm

Red Mage’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Rapier”

This is the record of the Red Mage's Manderville weapons (MW) First Form, "Manderville Rapier".Float

Jellyfish-shaped cute mount “Miw Miisv” (Voices of a Distant Server)

This is a record of the Voices of a Distant Server tribal quest reward "Miw Miisv".Born at Elysion f
Summoner Arm

Summoner’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Pre-stage “Unfinished Veil of Wiyu”

This is a record of the spellbook "Unfinished Veil of Wiyu" of the previous stage of Summoner's Zodi

Paladin’s AF4 Equipment, Feather Temple Knight “Chevalier” Series (Lalafell Female Ver.)

This is a record of Paladin's AF4 equipment (Lv80 artifact equipment) "Chevalier" series.Paladin's A
Gunbreaker Arm

Gunbreaker’s Manderville weapons (MW) first stage “Manderville Gunblade”

This is the record of Gunbreaker's Manderville weapons First Form "Manderville Gunblade".The overall

Cute hamster mount “Silkie” (The Sil’dihn Subterrane)

This is a record of the mount "Silkie" that will join you in The Sil'dihn Subterrane.It is a hamster
Dark Knight Arm

Dark Knight’s Manderville weapons (MW) First Stage “Manderville Zweihander”

This is the record of the Dark Knight's Manderville weapons First Form, "Manderville Zweihander".A l
Summoner Arm

Summoner’s pop-up machine book “Augmented Ironworks Magitek Grimoire”

This is a record of the summoner's weapon "Augmented Ironworks Magitek Grimoire".The Garlond Ironwor
Sage Arm

Sage’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Milpreves”

This is the record of the Sage's Manderville weapons First Form "Manderville Milpreves".It is a desi

Mysterious lotus flower mount “Mechanical Lotus”

This is a record of the lotus flower mount "Mechanical Lotus".I sit on a beautiful lotus flower.Bene

A beautiful peacock mount that spreads its seven-colored feathers, “Kingly Peacock”

This is a record of the peacock mount 'Kingly Peacock'.From the Near East to the Far, the peacock ha
Paladin Arm

Jet-black crossed Paladin weapon “Lakeland Longsword & Kite Shield”

This is a record of the Paladin Sword and Shield "Lakeland Longsword" & "Lakeland Kite Shield" avail

[Glamour] I tried cosplaying NieR:Automata 2B

This is a record of the "NieR:Automata" 2B costume "No.2 Type B Dress" series available at The Copie
Machinist Arm

Machinist’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Revolver”

This is the record of the machinist's Manderville weapons First Form "Manderville Revolver".It's a r
Scholar Arm

Scholar’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Codex”

This is a record of the Scholar's Manderville weapons First Form, the Manderville Codex.It is a magi
Reaper Arm

Reaper’s Manderville weapons (MW) First Stage “Manderville Scythe”

This is a record of the first form of the Reaper's Manderville weapons, "Manderville Scythe."It's a
Warrior Arm

Warrior’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Axe”

This is the record of the Manderville Axe, the first form of the Warrior's Manderville weapons.Howev
Summoner Arm

Allag’s Relic Summoner’s weapon ② “Replica Allagan Grimoire of Casting”

This is the record of the summoner's weapon "Replica Allagan Grimoire of Casting".It is a binding th
Summoner Arm

Allag’s Relic Summoner’s Weapon ① “Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Casting”

This is the record of the summoner's weapon "Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Casting".The chic bron

[Glamour] I tried a Pagaga-like cosplay! by Noriko

This is a record of Noriko-chan's trial and error of Pagaga's cosplay.Pagaga's torso armor is Neo-Is
Paladin Arm

Slightly pirate-like Paladin weapon “Augmented Cryptlurker’s Sword & Kite Shield”

This is a record of the Paladin's Sword and Shield "Augmented Cryptlurker's Sword" & "Augmented Cryp
Summoner Arm

Gothic Lolita Grimoire The Maelstrom’s Summoner & Scholar Weapon “Storm Sergeant’s Book of Iron”

This is a record of The Maelstrom Summoner's and Scholar's Weapons, Storm Sergeant's Book of Iron.It

White Mage’s AF4 equipment, Priestess of Light “Ebers” series (Lalafell Girl Ver.)

This is a record of the white mage's AF4 equipment (Lv80 artifact equipment) "Ebers" series.White ma

The cute automata minion from The island sanctuary “Felicitous Fuzzball”

This is a record of the minion "Felicitous Fuzzball" who will join you at The island sanctuary.A cat
Summoner Arm

The Maelstrom Storm Sergeant Second Class Summoner & Scholar fancy weapon “Lominsan Grimoire”

This is the record of Limsa Lominsa The Maelstrom's Summoner & Scholar Weapon "Lominsan Grimoire".Th
Dark Knight Arm

Dark Knight of the Cross Fashionable Greatsword “Augmented Deepshadow Claymore”

This is the record of Dark Knight's weapon "Augmented Deepshadow Claymore".It has a stylish design w
Sage Arm

Cute Sage Weapon “Titanbronze Pendulums” like a Heart Stick

This is a recording of Sage's Nouriths 'Titanbronze Pendulums'.It's a cute design that looks like a
Samurai Arm

With the samurai weapon “Seiryu’s Sanctified Katana” that scatters bubbles, it seems that you will be able to master “Water Breathing”.

This is the record of Seiryu's glowing version of the samurai weapon "Seiryu's Sanctified Katana".Wh