Samurai Arm Shining samurai weapon with Suzaku flames and feathers dancing “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Chokuto”
Paladin Arm “Enhancing Sword & Ritter Shield” The Most Beautiful Paladin Sword & Shield “Rose Knight”
Monk Arm Claws wrapped in the fire of hell, a glowing monk fighting weapon “Augmented Hellfire Claws”
Red Mage Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden Red Mage Weapon – Marine Mechanical Rapier “Rapier Eternal”
Gunbreaker Arm It’s a club, but it’s a matchlock gun! ? Gunbreaker’s Rare Weapon “Matchlock Greatclub”
Glamour [Glamour] Heavensward’s Thancred Costume and Hairstyle “Thancred’s Modish Attire ” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Astrologian Arm The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Astrologian” Weapon / Cursed Celestial Globe “Diamond Zeta Planisphere”
Artifact Steampunk-style scholar AF2 equipment “Savant” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) The scholar AF2 equipment "Savant" series that looks quite strange.Maybe it's because of the color, 2020.11.07 Artifact
Mount Gridania’s fashionable the Order of the Twin Adder senior chocobo armor “Gridanian Crested Barding” This is the Grand Company the Order of the Twin Adder's senior chocobo armor "Gridanian Crested Bard 2020.11.06 Mount
Paladin Arm Glittering King Thordan’s Paladin Arm “Sword of the Round & Shield” This is the King Thordan's glowing paladin equipment "Sword of the Round" and "Shield of the Round." 2020.11.05 Paladin Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Dyeable and fashionable antique wooden gunblade “Yaita Kai” This is the gun breaker weapon "Yaita Kai." This is a different color of "Wakasa Shin" and can be dy 2020.11.04 Gunbreaker Arm
Artifact SHADOWBRINGERS Thancred costume gun breaker AF4 equipment “bodyguard” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the "Bodyguard" series, which is the AF equipment of the gun breaker.AF4 equipment can be ob 2020.11.03 Artifact
Dark Knight Arm A dark knight sword with suzaku wings and flames dancing “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Odachi” This is a version of Suzaku's Dark Knight with a glowing effect "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Odachi."When 2020.11.02 Dark Knight Arm
Mount High-speed red aircraft “Red Baron” This is Nero's exclusive mount "Red Baron"Constantly modified and improved by Nero himself, this war 2020.11.01 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] Black swordsman, fashionable Foundation coat “Adept’s Gown” that can be worn for all jobs This is a record of coordination using the fashionable clothes "Adept's Gown" that can be worn for a 2020.10.31 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form-Glowing Cylinder Bayonet “Crownsblade Recollection” This is Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon Second Form "Crownsblade Recollection"When you carry it on yo 2020.10.29 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form, Large and Sophisticated Cylinder Bayonet “Crownsblade” This is Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon (RW) first form "Crownsblade"The design of the cylinder part 2020.10.28 Gunbreaker Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Desert mage scholar with healer equipment “Facet Hat of Healing & Coat” It is a record of coordination using the fashionable healer equipment "Facet Hat of Healing" and "Fa 2020.10.27 Glamour
Scholar Arm A beautiful book with feathers, Garuda’s scholarly book “Embrace of the Vortex” This is a scholarly book "Embrace of the Vortex" with feathers dancing with Garuda as a motif.This i 2020.10.26 Scholar Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Large antique wooden gunblade Abania’s gun breaker weapon “Hrotti” This is an antique wooden gunblade "Hrotti"When you look closer, it is finely decorated and even the 2020.10.25 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Antique and fashionable gunbreaker weapon, wooden gunblade “Wakasa Shin” This is a very fashionable gunbreaker weapon with an antique design "Wakasa Shin"It is a cute design 2020.10.24 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Fashionable knife Gunbreaker’s Arm “Doman Iron Gunblade” with a classic design This is a classic design gunblade "Doman Iron Gunblade"When I'm carrying it, it's a little short gun 2020.10.23 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Elegant and fashionable large knife-like gunbreaker weapon “Ghost Barque Gunblade” This is a stylish gunbreaker equipment "Ghost Barque Gunblade"Since it is a gun blade, it has a revo 2020.10.22 Gunbreaker Arm
Mount Chocobo armor “Gambler Barding” with a slightly noble image This is a fashionable chocobo armor "Gambler Barding" with a slightly noble image.This "Gambler Bard 2020.10.21 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] Bozjan Southern Front / Tank body equipment “Bozjan Coat of Fending” superior resistance This is the tank body equipment "Bozjan Coat of Fending" that can be obtained on the Bozjan Southern 2020.10.20 Glamour
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form / Sword that shines brilliantly “Woeborn Recollection” This is the second form of the Dark Knight's Resistance Weapon (RW) "Woeborn Recollection"It's exact 2020.10.19 Dark Knight Arm
Mount Bozjan Southern Front, Sorrowful Iron Giant Robomount “Construct 14” This is the iron giant mount "Construct 14" available on the Bozjan Southern Front.It's pretty that 2020.10.18 Mount
Machinist Arm Machinist’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form, Shining Classic Handgun “Lawman Recollection” This is the second form of the Machinist's Resistance Weapon (RW) "Lawman Recollection"It is exactly 2020.10.18 Machinist Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Bozjan Southern Front・Healer body equipment “Bozjan Coat of Healing” Military Mage Scholar on the Battlefield Healer body equipment "Bozjan Coat of Healing" that can be obtained on the Bozjan Southern Front.I d 2020.10.17 Glamour
Scholar Arm Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form-Butterfly’s Dancing Grimoire “Akademos Recollection” This is the second form of the scholar's resistance weapon "Akademos Recollection"The design of the 2020.10.16 Scholar Arm
Mount Variable battle robot, Bozjan Southern Front mount “Gabriel α” This is a variable combat robot mount "Gabriel α"It is a type of mount that moves on a fighter-type 2020.10.15 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] Healer’s fashionable everyday wear “Crystarium Robe of Healing” "Crystarium Robe of Healing" is very fashionable, so it is a record of everyday wear using this robe 2020.10.15 Glamour
Scholar Arm Aether measuring instrument ? High-tech Scholar Arm “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Codex” This is a very high-tech scholar's Arm "Augmented Scaevan Magitek Codex."When this book is opened, s 2020.10.14 Scholar Arm
Weapon Collections Yo-Kai Watch collaboration “All Weapons” collection Here is a summary of all 17 types of weapons available at the Yo-Kai Watch collaboration event.This 2020.10.13 Weapon Collections
Mount Yo-Kai Watch collaboration complete mount “Jibanyan Couch” The mount "Jibanyan Couch" that can be obtained by collecting all 17 types of weapons from the Yo-Ka 2020.10.12 Mount
Mount Yo-Kai Watch collaboration mount “Whisper-go” & shining “Whisper A-go-go” Mounts "Whisper-go" and "Whisper A-go-go" that can be obtained at the Yo-Kai Watch collaboration eve 2020.10.12 Mount
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Sixth Form (Final Form) Shining Beautiful Gun “Mollfrith Eureka” This is the final form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW), "Mollfrith Eureka"If you just carry it o 2020.10.10 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form, Hydatos Expedition “Morfris” This is the fifth form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) "Mollfrith."Although it is a small and th 2020.10.09 Machinist Arm
Mount Flying Witch Broom Mount “Witch’s Broom” This is a billing mount "Witch's Broom" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.The tip of th 2020.10.08 Mount
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Third Form, Pagos Edition Gun “Elemental Hand Gonne” This is "Elemental Handgonne," which is the third form of Eureka Weapon (EW), a mechanic. This is th 2020.10.07 Machinist Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage-Glowing Relic Axe “Bravura Zenith” This is the second stage of the warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Bravura Zenith"Just carrying it on your 2020.10.06 Warrior Arm
Artifact This is the Holy Knight Paladin AF3 equipment “Chivalrous” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) The most holy knight-like Paladin AF3 equipment "Chivalrous" series among many Paladin equipment.Pal 2020.10.05 Artifact
Artifact Fashionable Western gunman-style Machinist AF4 equipment “Gunslinger” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the "Gunslinger" series equipped with the very fashionable Machinist AF4.Machinist Artifact 2020.10.05 Artifact
Artifact AF2 equipment “Chaos” series that is just a dark knight (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is exactly the dark knight AF2 equipment "Chaos" series.Dark Knight AF2 "Chaos" Series【Head】Cha 2020.10.04 Artifact
Artifact A little military uniform-like scholar AF4 equipment “Arbatel” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the scholar's AF4 equipment "Arbatel" series.Scholar Artifact (AF) 4 Series【Head】Weathered A 2020.10.04 Artifact
Artifact Warrior’s AF1 equipment “Fighter” series set in costumes representing “A Realm Reborn”(Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the AF1 (artifact) equipment of the warrior, which is the costume worn by the person who see 2020.10.03 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Healer’s winter dress with a fox-style fur coat “Hakuko Dogi & Hakuko Men” This time, it is an example of coordination using a fox fur coat and a mask "Hakuko Dogi" & "Hakuko 2020.10.02 Glamour
Scholar Arm Bismarck’s feathers and bubbles dance beautiful scholarly weapon “Endless Expanse Codex” This is "Endless Expanse Codex," which is an evolution of Bismarck's scholarly weapon "Expanse Codex 2020.10.01 Scholar Arm
Mount A snake with wings? dragon? Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) mount “Alte Roite” This is a mount "Alte Roite" that looks like a snake with wings.While none can be certain the exact 2020.09.30 Mount
Machinist Arm “Outsider” which is the first form of Eureka Weapon (EW) with machine gun design, machinist AF3 weapon The machinist's AF3 weapon "Antiquated Outsider" and the first form of Eureka Weapon "Outsider" are 2020.09.29 Machinist Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Desert magic researcher using military uniform in “Late Allagan Coat of Healing” I tried to coordinate with a high-tech military uniform for healers like a rain suit, "Late Allagan 2020.09.28 Glamour
Mount Chocobo armor “Titania Barding” with beautiful and cute big butterfly wings This is the chocobo armor "Titania Barding" that imitates the appearance of the fairy king Titania.T 2020.09.27 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] The Puppets’ Bunker Healer Equipment “YoRHa Type-53 of Healing” Series Complete I have collected a set of healer equipment "YoRHa Type-53 of Healing" series available in the NieR:A 2020.09.26 Glamour
Machinist Arm A cute blue parrot machinist gun “Parrotliege Musketoon” This is a cute parrot with a blue handle, a machinist gun "Parrotliege Musketoon."When you carry it 2020.09.25 Machinist Arm
Scholar Arm FF13 collaboration-Scholar and summoner Hope’s boomerang-like book “Grimoire Wing” This is a FF13 collaboration weapon, and now you can purchase it from the FF14 online store.When wor 2020.09.25 Scholar Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Shadowbringers Alisaie costume was cute, so I tried to imitate it. The costume that Alisaie was wearing in the Shadowbringers edition was cute, so I tried to imitate i 2020.09.24 Glamour
Machinist Arm Fashionable Machinist gun “Molybdenum Rimfire” with antique design This is a very fashionable Machinist gun "Molybdenum Rimfire" with an antique design among many guns 2020.09.23 Machinist Arm
Mount Huge ray? Eureka Hydros Expedition Mount Blue Angel “Eurekan Petrel” This is the mount "Eurekan Petrel" that can be rarely obtained from the treasure chest of the Happy 2020.09.22 Mount
Scholar Arm A Scholar Codex like a burning chocolate stone plate “The Holy Key of Tremors” This is Titan's effected Codex "The Holy Key of Tremors"It's a brown rugged book when it's closed.Wh 2020.09.21 Scholar Arm
Glamour The purple Japanese-style umbrella “Plum Paper Parasol” is a little subdued and cute to match with any clothes This is a purple Japanese-style umbrella "Plum Paper Parasol."An umbrella that creates a calmer atmo 2020.09.20 Glamour
Machinist Arm Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Fourth Form, Pyros Edition Gun “Pyros Handgonne” This is the gun "Pyros Handgonne," which is the fourth form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon and the f 2020.09.19 Machinist Arm
Glamour [Glamour] I longed for the “Vivi” of FF9 and tried to imitate the color coordination This time, it's a homage to my favorite Final Fantasy 9 “Vivi.”I dyed the hat with "Honey Yellow" an 2020.09.18 Glamour
Paladin Arm Bismarck’s paladin equipment “Endless Expanse Sword & Shield” with wings and bubbles These are the "Endless Expanse Sword" and "Endless Expanse Shield" with effects on Paladin's Bismarc 2020.09.17 Paladin Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Cute gatherer goggles cap “Nabaath Cap of Healing” that even healers can wear This is a gatherer-equipped design that has been around for a long time. And it is a cap with goggle 2020.09.16 Glamour
Scholar Arm Mecha gimmick scholar’s book “Augmented Ironworks Magitek Codex” where the tablet pops out This is the scholarly book "Augmented Ironworks Magitek Codex" made by Garlond Ironworks, which has 2020.09.15 Scholar Arm
Dark Knight Arm “Dark Sword of the Rose” Castrum Abania Dark Knight’s Arm “Cruadin” This is "Cruadin," which has a cute design among the weapons of the Dark Knight.Even if you carry it 2020.09.14 Dark Knight Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior AF1 Relic Axe Zodiac Weapon (ZW) First Stage “Bravura” This is the warrior's AF1 weapon relic equipment, and the first stage of the Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Br 2020.09.13 Warrior Arm