Machinist Arm Machinist’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form, Shining Classic Handgun “Lawman Recollection”
Artifact Steampunk-style scholar AF2 equipment “Savant” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Bard Arm A minstrel’s shining Bismarck bow with dancing bubbles and feathers “Endless Expanse Longbow”
Astrologian Arm The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Astrologian” Weapon / Cursed Celestial Globe “Diamond Zeta Planisphere”
Summoner Arm A book of summoners with very cute flowers and ivy, with butterflies dancing, Dohn Mheg “Fae Grimoire”
Glamour Noriko-chan’s record of thinking about various coordination of “Frontier Ribbon” This is a record of Noriko Note-chan, who thinks about Glamor in "Frontier Ribbon" in various ways.K 2022.05.01 Glamour
Glamour A fashionable pirate? Antique and cute Ninja equipment “Cryptlurker of Scouting” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the very fashionable ninja costume "Cryptlurker of Scouting" series.Cryptlurker 2022.04.28 Glamour
Glamour Edda-chan’s cute Gothic Lolita costume “Blackbosom Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of Edda's costume "Blackbosom Attire", which can be purchased from the FF14 online 2022.04.24 Glamour
Glamour FF13 Snow Wild Costume and Hairstyle “Snow’s Attire” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the billing equipment "Snow's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online s 2022.03.30 Glamour
Glamour It’s like a fairy tale princess, Little Ladies’ Day dress “Faerie Tale Princess’s Attire” (Lalafell Women’s Ver.) This is a record of the billing equipment "Faerie Tale Princess's Attire" that can be purchased at t 2022.03.28 Glamour
Glamour Krile’s cute costume! “Krile’s Attire” (Lalafell Women’s Ver.) This is a record of the billing equipment "Krile's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online 2022.03.24 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Chic and mature coordination with a gunmetal leather coat (Adept’s Gown) This is a record of my favorite "mature look" coordination.Coordination this time【Head】Flat Cap【Body 2022.03.20 Glamour
Glamour Elegant and most cute Alma costume “Alma’s Attire” (Lalafell Women’s Ver.) This is a record of the billing equipment "Alma's Attire" ("Majestic Dress" series) that can be purc 2022.03.14 Glamour
Glamour Record of Lalafell Women’s Initial Equipment “Hello! My name is Noriko Note!” This is a record of the Lalafellin Kaftan series, the initial equipment of Lalafell women.Lalafell W 2022.03.12 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “The Order of the Twin Adder’s Fashionable Soldier” / “Toy Soldier” that can be worn for all jobs Today is the record of my favorite soldier, Glamour.Coordination this time【Head】Gridanian Officer's 2022.02.27 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Cute military uniform that can be worn for all jobs / Crystarium “Black Soldier” Today is a record of my favorite Glamour "Black Soldier" that can be worn for all jobs.Coordination 2022.02.22 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Country-style new adventurer’s “going out” costume (All Saints’ Wake Clown Series) This is a record of my favorite Glamour using the "Clown" series costume of All Saints’ Wake.Coordin 2022.01.23 Glamour
Glamour This is super cute! Fashionable costume, All Saints’ Wake 2022 “Crown” series (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the costume "Clown" series that was obtained at All Saints' Wake 2022 (January) 2022.01.21 Glamour
Weapon Collections Summary of appearance and acquisition method of AF4 weapon “all 17 jobs” of Shadowbringers This is a summary record of all 17 jobs of AF4 (Lv80) weapons.※ A glowing version did not appear, bu 2021.12.08 Weapon Collections
Weapon Collections AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon (EW) First Form “All 15 Jobs” Appearance and Acquisition Method Summary This is a summary record of AF3 (Lv70) weapons and Eureka Weapon (EW) first form of "All Jobs". (Bot 2021.11.23 Weapon Collections
Glamour [Glamour] “New Game + Shadowbringers” final equipment-Classic and cute flight military uniform coordination This is a record of my favorite “wearable for all jobs” flight suit coordination.Coordination this t 2021.11.21 Glamour
Weapon Collections AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) First Form “All 13 Jobs” Appearance and Acquisition Method Summary This is a summary record of the first stage of AF2 Weapon (Lv60) & Anima Weapon (AW) of "All Jobs". 2021.11.17 Weapon Collections
Artifact AF4 equipment (Lv80) “All 17 jobs” “appearance” and acquisition method summary (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary record of all job AF4 equipment.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forLv80 artifac 2021.11.07 Artifact
Ninja Arm Ninja AF4 Weapon, Prince Shotoku’s Single-edged Sword, Japanese National Treasure “Heishi Shorinken” This is a record of the ninja AF4 (Lv80) weapon "Heishi Shorinken".A good old noble Japanese sword.T 2021.11.02 Ninja Arm
Artifact Ninja AF4 equipment The legendary demon masked ninja “Hattori” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Ninja AF4 equipment "Hattori" series.※ AF4 equipment is an abbreviation forL 2021.10.14 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Cute Halloween coordination with “Vampire’s Vest” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of favorite coordination using the billing equipment "Vampire's Vest" that can be p 2021.10.12 Glamour
Ninja Arm Ninja Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form, Colorful Japanese Sword-Wakizashi “Honeshirazu” This is a record of the Ninja Resistance Weapon (RW) first form, "Honeshirazu".It is a simple and sh 2021.10.09 Ninja Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Cute bat witch costume for Halloween “Eerie Garments” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the cute Halloween costume "Eerie Garments" that can be purchased from the FF14 2021.10.06 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Coordination of cute Bergsteiger for everyday wear in the forest hideaway This is a record of one of my favorite outfits.Coordination this time【Head】Flat Cap【Body】Bergsteiger 2021.09.30 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A “new adventurer-style” costume that travels through the Stormblood in a “New Game +”! This is a record of my favorite "new adventurer-style" costume that I chose to travel the "Stormbloo 2021.09.24 Glamour
Artifact AF3 equipment (Lv70 equipment) “Appearance” of “All 16 jobs” and how to get it (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary record of AF3 equipment for all jobs.※ AF3 equipment is an abbreviation forLv70 ar 2021.09.22 Artifact
Ninja Arm Very cute Titania ninja weapon “The King’s Cleavers” with butterfly feathers This is a record of the ninja weapon "The King's Cleavers" that can be obtained in The Dancing Plagu 2021.09.13 Ninja Arm
Glamour [Glamour] FF15 Prince Noctis Hairstyle and Costume “Lucian Prince” Series (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the Noctis costume "Lucian Prince" series and the hairstyle "Modern Aesthetics - 2021.09.08 Glamour
Ninja Arm Ninja AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Simple Claw-shaped Japanese-style Assassin Knife “Nagi” This is a record of the Ninja AF3 (Lv70) weapon "Antiquated Nagi" and the Eureka Weapon (EW) first f 2021.09.01 Ninja Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A novice adventurer-style costume that challenges Heavensward with “New Game +”! This is a record of a "novice adventurer-like" costume for enjoying the Heavensward in "New Game Plu 2021.08.24 Glamour
Artifact Ninja AF3 equipment, Shinobi’s mainstream “Kage-kakushi clan” costume “Kage-kakushi” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the Ninja AF3 equipment "Kage-kakushi" series.※ AF3 equipment is an abbreviation 2021.07.30 Artifact
Ninja Arm Ninja AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) 1st Stage, Oda Nobunaga’s favorite sword “Animated Yukimitsu” This is a record of the Ninja AF2 weapon (Lv60 artifact weapon) "Yukimitsu" and the first stage of t 2021.07.07 Ninja Arm
Artifact AF2 equipment (Lv60) Summary of “appearance” and acquisition method for “All 15 Jobs” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary record of AF2 equipment for all jobs.AF2 equipment is an abbreviation for Lv60 art 2021.07.04 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] With Cloud’s hairstyle and Advent Attire, Lalafell’s “small cloud”! This is a record of FF7's "Cloud" impersonation using Cloud's hairstyle and outfit.This time, I rece 2021.07.02 Glamour
Weapon Collections The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “All 17 Jobs” Summary of Weapon Appearance (Eva-like Weapon Collection?) This is a summary record of all the jobs of the weapons available in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).By the 2021.06.30 Weapon Collections
Glamour [Glamour] Wearing a novice adventurer-style costume, I enjoy “New Game+” up to ENDWALKER! This is a record of costumes inspired by "new adventurers".There is time until the release of ENDWAL 2021.06.28 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Aiming to be a neat and clean warrior of light! Lalafell Men’s “High House Bustle” Returns This is a record of my favorite (?) "Neat" coordination.▼ Looking for a mount that challenged with a 2021.06.22 Glamour
Ninja Arm The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Ninja” Weapon / Opening Large Survival Knife “Diamond Zeta Cleavers” This is a record of the ninja weapon "Diamond Zeta Cleavers" in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).When you pu 2021.06.21 Ninja Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A refreshing samurai costume like a Shinsengumi! “Resshi Attire” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the billing equipment "Resshi Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online s 2021.06.11 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Heavensward’s Thancred Costume and Hairstyle “Thancred’s Modish Attire ” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the billing equipment "Thancred's Modish Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online st 2021.05.12 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Casual coordination with boot-cut jeans “Peacelover’s Pantaloons” This is a coordination using my favorite flared jeans "Peacelover's Pantaloons".Coordination this ti 2021.05.05 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Rough school uniform “Collegiate Attire (Slacks)” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a record of the billing equipment "Collegiate Attire (Slacks)" that can be purchased at the 2021.04.28 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Japanese military uniform coordination with a sword” / “Replica Sky Pirates Striker Jacket” that can be worn for all jobs This is a record of military uniform coordination using the "Replica Sky Pirate's Jacket of Striking 2021.04.23 Glamour
Artifact That legendary ninja AF2 equipment “Iga” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the Ninja AF2 equipment (Lv60 exclusive equipment) "Iga" series.Ninja AF2 equipment "Iga" se 2021.04.16 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Fighting Butler “Loyal Butler’s Uniform” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the billing equipment "Loyal Butler's Uniform" that can be purchased at the FF14 online stor 2021.04.08 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Far Eastern Schoolboy’s Uniform” that feels the retro Japanese Taisho era (Lalafell Ver.) This is the billing equipment "Far Eastern Schoolboy's Uniform" that can be purchased at the FF14 on 2021.04.03 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] New Alphinaud equipment and hairstyle & hair color pattern “Brand New Alphinaud’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the new Alphinaud costume set "Brand New Alphinaud's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF 2021.03.31 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A cute kimono from the Heian period, “Lord’s Suikan Set” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a kimono "Lord's Suikan Set" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.In addition, the 2021.03.24 Glamour
Artifact AF1 Armor Different Colors “Vintage Equipment” Appearance Summary of All 10 Jobs (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary of the appearance of all jobs of "Vintage Equipment", which is a different color o 2021.03.22 Artifact
Artifact AF1 Armor (equipped with Lv50) Summary of “appearance” of all 13 jobs (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is a summary of the appearance of all AF1 armor (equipment dedicated to each job of LV50) calle 2021.03.21 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Early Alphinaud and Alisaie equipment “Sharlayan Prodigy’s Suit” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the clothing "Sharlayan Prodigy's Suit" worn by Alphinaud and Alisaie in the early days.I wo 2021.03.04 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Senior Officer of the Order of the Twin Adder of The Black Shroud in “Serpent Lieutenant’s Coat” that can be worn for all jobs This is a record of coordination using my favorite "Serpent Lieutenant's Coat".Coordination this tim 2021.03.02 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Fighting cook’s clothes that can be worn for all jobs “Valentione Apron Attire” (Lalafell Boy Ver.) This is the billing equipment "Valentione Apron Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online sto 2021.02.22 Glamour
Artifact Ninja AF1 equipment in different colors, purple Vintage Equipment “Koga” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the "Koga" series of Vintage Equipment that is a different color of Ninja's AF1 equipment (e 2021.02.04 Artifact
Artifact Ninja AF1 Equipment / “Ninja” Series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the Ninja AF1 equipment (equipment exclusively for level 50 jobs) "Ninja" series.Ninja AF1 e 2021.02.03 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Eastern Mafia? “Mun’gaek Attire” with an assassin-like atmosphere (Lalafell Ver.) This is a chargeable equipment that can be purchased from the FF14 online store, and is a fashionabl 2021.02.01 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A slightly elegant mechanic wearing a “Kupo Jacket” that can be worn for all jobs It is a record of favorite coordination that can be worn from all jobs and low level.Coordination th 2021.01.21 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Nezha of Hoshin Engi? Legendary fashionable fighting suit “Nezha Lord’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the billing equipment "Nezha Lord's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.N 2021.01.16 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Expeditioner’s Coat” that can be worn by both men and women for all jobs. I tried a traveler-style Glamours using the "Expeditioner's Coat" that can be worn by all jobs and c 2021.01.09 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Son Goku’s costume and a stretchable Ruyi Jingu Bang “Exclusive Eastern Journey Attire” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) It's like Son Goku's "Exclusive Eastern Journey Attire"Exclusive Eastern Journey Attire【Head】Exclusi 2021.01.02 Glamour