Glamour [Glamour] Healer of dark armor with Delubrum Reginae equipment “Law’s Order Corselet of Healing & Gloves”
Warrior Arm Warrior Resistance Weapon (RW) Third Form (Fourth Stage) Extra Thick Axe “Law’s Order Labrys”
Glamour [Glamour] zashiki-warashi cosplay? Noriko’s summer festival yukata style coordination (for all jobs)
Minion Too cute brown tabby kitten minion “Tora-jiro” This is a record of the cute kitten minion "Tora-jiro".This is a brown tabby kitten with round eyes. 2024.04.09 Minion
Minion puppy? kitten? FF16 collaboration cute wolf minion “Torgal Pup” This is a record of the minion "Torgal Pup" from the FF16 collaboration event.This is a very cute li 2024.04.04 Minion
Mount FF16 collaboration cute dog (wolf) mount “Torgal” This is a record of the mount Torgal from the FF16 collaboration event.He has a very cute face.His f 2024.04.03 Mount
Mount “Peatie” is a pink Goobbue mount with a cute flower crown This is a record of Mount "Peatie" on Little Ladies' Day & Hatching-tide2024.It's a pink Goobbue wit 2024.03.26 Mount
Minion Messenger of the Moon God Menphina / Cute little bird minion “Doman Magpie” This is a record of the little bird minion "Doman Magpie".She is a stylish little bird with a flower 2024.03.22 Minion
Mount An homage to FF4? 4-person floating mobile machine mount “Skyslipper” (Eden’s Gate: Sepulture (Savage)) This is a record of the mount "Skyslipper" available in Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage).It is a larg 2024.03.18 Mount
Minion Cute seagull! Ocean fishing minion “Gull” This is a record of the seagull minion "Gull".This "Gull" can be obtained from the "Mine, Mine, Mine 2024.03.15 Minion
Mount Mount “Xanthos” of Garuda, a cute green horse wrapped in wind This is a record of the mount "Xanthos" available in The Howling Eye (Extreme).It is a yellow-green 2024.03.10 Mount
Mount Leporrit’s cute crescent-shaped gondola mount “Crescent Moon” This is a record of the paid mount "Crescent Moon" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.It 2024.03.04 Mount
Minion A cute Yukinko baby minion wearing a straw hat “Yukinko Snowflake” This is a record of Yukinko's young minion, "Yukinko Snowflake".A very cute minion with a face very 2024.02.22 Minion
Minion Too cute Spriggan baby minion “Dust Bunny” This is a record of Spriggan's minion "Dust Bunny".She holds a large jewel in her hand, and a small 2024.02.20 Minion
Minion The style of a king! ? The world’s most stationary bird minion, the Shoebill This is a record of the bird minion "Shoebill".This is a rare bird that doesn't move very often.This 2024.02.17 Minion
Mount “Papa Paissa”, a large Paissa mount that can be ridden like Totoro This is a record of Paissa's mount "Papa Paissa" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.The 2024.01.14 Mount
Minion Too cute Java sparrow minion “Uolosapa” (Aloalo Island) This is a record of the Java sparrow minion "Uolosapa" on Aloalo Island.▼ Around 3:46:45 there is a 2024.01.11 Minion
Mount “Megashiba” is a cute dog mount of a big Mameshiba that is happy and depressed This is a record of the paid mount "Megashiba" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.This S 2024.01.04 Mount
Minion Super cute dragon costume chocobo minion “Ryunosuke” (Heavensturn2024) This is a record of Heavensturn 2024's minion "Ryunosuke".He is wearing a cutely deformed dragon cos 2024.01.01 Minion
Minion The rare red chameleon minion of Aloalo Island “Repulu” This is a record of the red chameleon minion "Repulu".This minion is a different color of the green 2023.12.27 Minion
Minion Sula nebouxii’s cute minion with a blue beak and blue feet “Blue-footed Booby” This is a record of Sula nebouxii's minion "Blue-footed Booby".He has a cute face. And the way he so 2023.12.20 Minion
Mount Flying pot mount from which “Great Vessel Of Ronka” pops out (Qitari quest) This is a record of the mount "Great Vessel Of Ronka" that can be obtained through Qitari quests.The 2023.12.14 Mount
Minion Minion “Clockwork Lantern” is a cute antique lamp that takes a nap This is a record of the minion "Clockwork Lantern" that can be obtained through PvP.A very stylish l 2023.12.07 Minion
Mount Mysterious golden shining Great Vessel / Expensive mount “Resplendent Vessel Of Ronka” This is a record of the "Resplendent Vessel Of Ronka", a shining version of Ronka's mount "Great Ves 2023.11.29 Mount
Mount A golden mikoshi of Namazu, a super expensive mount “Gilded Mikoshi” This is a record of the golden mikoshi mount of Namazu, "Gilded Mikoshi."It is a golden mikoshi, wit 2023.11.28 Mount
Mount A cute golden sheep from Greek mythology? Expensive mount “Chrysomallos” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the golden sheep mount "Chrysomallos", which is a different color of "Albino Kar 2023.11.27 Mount
Mount High-priced gorilla robot mount that shines in gold “Magitek Avenger G1” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the golden gorilla-shaped robot mount "Magitek Avenger G1".In Lalafell's case, w 2023.11.26 Mount
Mount Allag’s sphere mount that looks like a yellow watermelon lamp “Safeguard System” (PvP reward) This is a record of the mount "Safeguard System" that can be obtained through the PvP achievement "F 2023.11.22 Mount
Mount The Order of the Twin Adder’s armored warhorse mount “Serpent Warsteed” (PvP: A Line in the Glade IV) This is a record of the mount "Serpent Warsteed" that can be obtained through PvP.A horse wearing th 2023.11.16 Mount
Minion Mt. Rokkon’s small monster / children’s “Lantern Ghost” minion “Okrichouchin” This is a record of the minion "Okuri Chochin" that can be obtained at Mt. Rokkon.A cute ghost lante 2023.11.13 Minion
Mount Yokai of Mt. Rokkon “Lantern Ghost” Mount “Burabura Chochin” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a record of the mount "Burabura Chochin" that can be obtained at Mt. Rokkon.This is a mount 2023.11.12 Mount
Minion A cute ninja black Shiba Inu? Mount Rokkon Minion “Kuromaru” This is a record of Mount Rokkon's minion, "Kuromaru."Probably a different colored minion from Mames 2023.11.07 Minion
Minion A cute toy penguin? Fall Guys minion “Pegwin” This is a record of Pegwin, a minion available in the Gold Saucer Fall Guys collaboration.A penguin 2023.11.05 Minion