* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

Adventure friends


Too cute brown tabby kitten minion “Tora-jiro”

This is a record of the cute kitten minion "Tora-jiro".This is a brown tabby kitten with round eyes.

puppy? kitten? FF16 collaboration cute wolf minion “Torgal Pup”

This is a record of the minion "Torgal Pup" from the FF16 collaboration event.This is a very cute li

FF16 collaboration cute dog (wolf) mount “Torgal”

This is a record of the mount Torgal from the FF16 collaboration event.He has a very cute face.His f

“Peatie” is a pink Goobbue mount with a cute flower crown

This is a record of Mount "Peatie" on Little Ladies' Day & Hatching-tide2024.It's a pink Goobbue wit

Messenger of the Moon God Menphina / Cute little bird minion “Doman Magpie”

This is a record of the little bird minion "Doman Magpie".She is a stylish little bird with a flower

An homage to FF4? 4-person floating mobile machine mount “Skyslipper” (Eden’s Gate: Sepulture (Savage))

This is a record of the mount "Skyslipper" available in Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage).It is a larg

Cute seagull! Ocean fishing minion “Gull”

This is a record of the seagull minion "Gull".This "Gull" can be obtained from the "Mine, Mine, Mine

Mount “Xanthos” of Garuda, a cute green horse wrapped in wind

This is a record of the mount "Xanthos" available in The Howling Eye (Extreme).It is a yellow-green

Leporrit’s cute crescent-shaped gondola mount “Crescent Moon”

This is a record of the paid mount "Crescent Moon" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.It

A cute Yukinko baby minion wearing a straw hat “Yukinko Snowflake”

This is a record of Yukinko's young minion, "Yukinko Snowflake".A very cute minion with a face very

Too cute Spriggan baby minion “Dust Bunny”

This is a record of Spriggan's minion "Dust Bunny".She holds a large jewel in her hand, and a small

The style of a king! ? The world’s most stationary bird minion, the Shoebill

This is a record of the bird minion "Shoebill".This is a rare bird that doesn't move very often.This

“Papa Paissa”, a large Paissa mount that can be ridden like Totoro

This is a record of Paissa's mount "Papa Paissa" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.The

Too cute Java sparrow minion “Uolosapa” (Aloalo Island)

This is a record of the Java sparrow minion "Uolosapa" on Aloalo Island.▼ Around 3:46:45 there is a

“Megashiba” is a cute dog mount of a big Mameshiba that is happy and depressed

This is a record of the paid mount "Megashiba" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.This S

Super cute dragon costume chocobo minion “Ryunosuke” (Heavensturn2024)

This is a record of Heavensturn 2024's minion "Ryunosuke".He is wearing a cutely deformed dragon cos

The rare red chameleon minion of Aloalo Island “Repulu”

This is a record of the red chameleon minion "Repulu".This minion is a different color of the green

Sula nebouxii’s cute minion with a blue beak and blue feet “Blue-footed Booby”

This is a record of Sula nebouxii's minion "Blue-footed Booby".He has a cute face. And the way he so

Flying pot mount from which “Great Vessel Of Ronka” pops out (Qitari quest)

This is a record of the mount "Great Vessel Of Ronka" that can be obtained through Qitari quests.The

Minion “Clockwork Lantern” is a cute antique lamp that takes a nap

This is a record of the minion "Clockwork Lantern" that can be obtained through PvP.A very stylish l

Mysterious golden shining Great Vessel / Expensive mount “Resplendent Vessel Of Ronka”

This is a record of the "Resplendent Vessel Of Ronka", a shining version of Ronka's mount "Great Ves

A golden mikoshi of Namazu, a super expensive mount “Gilded Mikoshi”

This is a record of the golden mikoshi mount of Namazu, "Gilded Mikoshi."It is a golden mikoshi, wit

A cute golden sheep from Greek mythology? Expensive mount “Chrysomallos” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the golden sheep mount "Chrysomallos", which is a different color of "Albino Kar

High-priced gorilla robot mount that shines in gold “Magitek Avenger G1” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the golden gorilla-shaped robot mount "Magitek Avenger G1".In Lalafell's case, w

Allag’s sphere mount that looks like a yellow watermelon lamp “Safeguard System” (PvP reward)

This is a record of the mount "Safeguard System" that can be obtained through the PvP achievement "F

The Order of the Twin Adder’s armored warhorse mount “Serpent Warsteed” (PvP: A Line in the Glade IV)

This is a record of the mount "Serpent Warsteed" that can be obtained through PvP.A horse wearing th

Mt. Rokkon’s small monster / children’s “Lantern Ghost” minion “Okrichouchin”

This is a record of the minion "Okuri Chochin" that can be obtained at Mt. Rokkon.A cute ghost lante

Yokai of Mt. Rokkon “Lantern Ghost” Mount “Burabura Chochin” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the mount "Burabura Chochin" that can be obtained at Mt. Rokkon.This is a mount

A cute ninja black Shiba Inu? Mount Rokkon Minion “Kuromaru”

This is a record of Mount Rokkon's minion, "Kuromaru."Probably a different colored minion from Mames

A cute toy penguin? Fall Guys minion “Pegwin”

This is a record of Pegwin, a minion available in the Gold Saucer Fall Guys collaboration.A penguin