* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

Adventure friends


Mount Sin Eater “Eden” from Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage)

This is a record of the mount "Eden" available in Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage).It has the shape

A cute and small capybara mount, Mehwapyarra (DAWNTRAIL Rare FATE: Ttokrrone)

This is a record of the capybara mount "Mehwapyarra".This capybara has a cute face. She has piercing

A cute, howling fox minion, “Squeak the Coyote”

This is a record of the minion "Squeak the Coyote" from PVP Series 6.She has a cute face.The fur is

Cute Mexican Chocobo Armor with Cactuar “Wild Ride Barding”

This is a record of the chocobo equipment "Wild Ride Barding."Colorful woven costumes.The hat is als

Mount “Adamantoise,” a giant land tortoise from Thavnair in high-speed rotational flight

This is a record of the Adamantoise mount available in the Gold Saucer.It's a pretty big turtle, wit

A fast-rotating giant robot turtle mount “Automatoise”

This is a record of the mount "Automatoise" that can be obtained through a mob hunt in DAWNTRAIL.A l

Transformable cyberpunk bike mount “Air-wheeler A9”

This is a record of the transforming bike mount "Air-wheeler A9".The design is very futuristic and t

Russian Blue Cute Cat Minion “Bluecoat Cat”

This is a record of the cat minion, Bluecoat Cat.A very beautiful cat with grey-blue fur.Her eyes ar

FF9’s Strongest Battleship-Type Transforming Robot Mount “Ark” (DAWNTRAILCE Bonus)

This is a record of the mount "Ark" that can be obtained as a bonus in the DAWNTRAIL Collector's Edi

A cute and mischievous fairy♪ Aloalo Island’s mount “Spectral Statice”

This is a record of the mount "Spectral Statice" that can be obtained on Aloalo Island.The fairy pic

An interesting mount from Allag caught in the hands of a machine: Magitek Death Claw

This is a record of the mechanical mount "Magitek Death Claw."It's carried by a mechanical hand-shap

A cute cat hunter? Monster Hunter collaboration minion “Palico”

This is a record of the Monster Hunter collaboration minion, Palico.He is wearing a very cute outfit

Mount “Zu” of a long-necked monster bird with a golden mane

This is a record of mount a monster long-necked bird called "Zu."Its face looks a little scary, but

Cute baby platypus Minion “Bitty Duckbill”

This is a record of the platypus minion, Bitty Duckbill.A platypus minion with a big mouth.The expre

The Akh Afah Amphitheater (Extreme)’s mount, Boreas, is a divine blue horse of the north wind with dancing ice

This is a record of the mount "Boreas" available at The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme).It's a beaut

The island sanctuary’s tomato mandragora king mount “Island Tomato King”

This is a record of Mandragora's mount "Island Tomato King" available at The island sanctuary.It's a

Chocobo equipment for Nezha of Hoshin Engi? The “Nezha Barding” of the Red Lotus

This is a record of the paid Chocobo equipment "Nezha Barding" that can be purchased at the FF14 onl

The island sanctuary’s large hairy cow (yak?) mount “Island Buffalo”

This is a record of the wild cow mount "Island Buffalo" at The island sanctuary.It is a "buffalo" wi

Minion from Yo-Kai Watch, a cute rabbit in a space suit? “USApyon”

This is a record of the minion "USApyon" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.A rabbit with a c

Yo-kai Watch’s Minion: Hell’s cute dark princess “Damona”

This is a record of the minion "Damona" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.Like Blizzaria, sh

Yo-Kai Watch’s Minion – Cute kimono snow girl “Blizzaria”

This is a record of the minion "Blizzaria" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.Sometimes she m

A cute cat samurai with a katana, a minion from Yo-kai Watch, “Shogunyan”

This is a record of the minion "Shogunyan" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.He wears a cres

Yo-Kai Watch’s minion cool cat floating spirit “Hovernyan”

This is a record of the minion "Hovernyan" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.His distinctive

Yo-kai Watch Minion / Cute Ghost Butler “Whisper”

This is a record of the minion "Whisper" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.It's a very expre

Yo-Kai Watch’s minion / cute cat robot “Robonyan F-type”

This is a record of the minion "Robonyan F-type" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.A cat-sha

Yo-kai Watch’s minion, the cute white guardian dog monster “Komasan”

This is a record of the minion "Komasan" from the Yokai Watch collaboration event.He has a very cute

Yo-Kai Watch’s minion/cute cat earthbound spirit? “Jibanyan”

This is a record of the minion "Jibanyan" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.He has a very cu

Minion from Yo-kai Watch, a cute yellow guardian dog monster? “Komajiro”

This is a record of the minion "Komajiro" who will join you in the Yokai Watch collaboration event.H

“Fat Cat” is a cute big kitten minion that rolls around

This is a record of the cat minion "Fat Cat".This is a cute little kitten.She usually sits on the gr

Dark fantasy chain wolf chocobo armor “Wolf Barding”

This is a record of the PvP chocobo costume "Wolf Barding".As the name suggests, the design is based