* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *


Warrior Arm

Glowing natural taste warrior axe Eureka weapon “Farsha Anemos”

A warrior's axe but a blunt weapon that doesn't look like an axe "Farsha Anemos."This is a weapon th

[Glamour] A set of “Angelic Attire” equipment with distinctive wings and rings(Lalafell Ver.)

"Angelic Attire", a chargeable item that can be purchased at FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store. (This G
Warrior Arm

“Alexandrian Metal Axe” Alexander-The Warrior Axe of The Soul of the Creator (Savage)

"Alexandrian Metal Axe," a warrior ax available at "Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)."Th
Warrior Arm

Fairy King Titania “The King’s Axe” available at The Dancing Plague (Extreme)

Warrior weapons have many rugged designs, but this is a really elegant and a little cute ax "The Kin
Warrior Arm

“Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe” Opening gimmick is cool, variable Magitek Axe

This "Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe" is a warrior axe whose mechanical enthusiasts love the opening

[Glamour] Fashionable military uniform for all jobs “Replica Sky Pirate’s Coat of Casting”

"Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Casting" This is my favorite clothes.This is a replica version of "Sky

Because it is a special effort, FF11 collaboration “Amatsu” equipment cosplay

"Amatsu" equipment that can be acquired at Final Fantasy XI collaboration event "The Maiden's Rhapso