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Artifact AF2 equipment of a Machinist, asymmetrical mechanic studio wear “Machinist” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Paladin Arm Large Colosseum Shining weapon – Gerolt’s Masterwork for Paladin “Burtgang & Noct Hoplon”
Scholar Arm Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form-Butterfly’s Dancing Grimoire “Akademos Recollection”
Warrior Arm Glowing natural taste warrior axe Eureka weapon “Farsha Anemos” A warrior's axe but a blunt weapon that doesn't look like an axe "Farsha Anemos."This is a weapon th 2020.07.17 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A set of “Angelic Attire” equipment with distinctive wings and rings(Lalafell Ver.) "Angelic Attire", a chargeable item that can be purchased at FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store. (This G 2020.07.14 Glamour
Warrior Arm “Alexandrian Metal Axe” Alexander-The Warrior Axe of The Soul of the Creator (Savage) "Alexandrian Metal Axe," a warrior ax available at "Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage)."Th 2020.07.03 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Fairy King Titania “The King’s Axe” available at The Dancing Plague (Extreme) Warrior weapons have many rugged designs, but this is a really elegant and a little cute ax "The Kin 2020.06.20 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe” Opening gimmick is cool, variable Magitek Axe This "Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe" is a warrior axe whose mechanical enthusiasts love the opening 2020.06.18 Warrior Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Fashionable military uniform for all jobs “Replica Sky Pirate’s Coat of Casting” "Replica Sky Pirate's Coat of Casting" This is my favorite clothes.This is a replica version of "Sky 2020.06.16 Glamour
Glamour Because it is a special effort, FF11 collaboration “Amatsu” equipment cosplay "Amatsu" equipment that can be acquired at Final Fantasy XI collaboration event "The Maiden's Rhapso 2020.06.14 Glamour