* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

Adventure friends


FF15 collaboration, 4-seater mount “Regalia TYPE-G” that transforms from a car to a flight form

This is a record of the car mount "Regalia Type-G" that can be obtained at the FF15 collaboration ev

White and beautiful bubble bird, The Limitless Blue (Extreme) mount “White Lanner”

This is a record of the bird mount "White Lanner" who will be a companion in The Limitless Blue (Ext

Mount Pixie quests “Portly Porxie”, a cute flying piglet

This is a record of Mount "Portly Porxie" who will be a companion for the Pixie quests reward.A pigl

Cute white bear mount “Polar Bear” (Moonfire Faire 2021)

This is a record of the white bear mount "Polar Bear".There have been bear mounts so far, but this b

Super cool! Two-seater variable mount “Cruise Chaser” that transforms into a robot and a flying boat

This is a record of the two-seater billing mount "Cruise Chaser" that can be purchased from the FF14

Recruit-a-Friend Campaign Reward Mount-The Legendary Last Boss and Strongest Dragon “Twintania”

This is a record of the legendary dragon mount "Twintania".It's a very huge mount, and it's big enou

Fashionable and antique chair mount “Archon Throne” with long legs rumored to be Louisoix’s chair

This is a record of the fashionable antique chair mount "Archon Throne" that can be exchanged with t

Surprisingly cute Ixali blue war wolf mount “Direwolf”

This is a record of the beast tribes quest "Ixali" wolf mount "Direwolf".It's a pretty slender wolf.

Pure white one-horn beast mount “Unicorn” (Conjurer Lv 30 Sidequest)

This is a record of the legendary beast mount "Unicorn".It has a light blue mane and long horns on a

FF12 two-seater air bike mount “Al-iklil” Bozjan & Zadnor “Field Notes” complete reward (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the air bike mount "Al-iklil" that appears in FF12.This mount is a two-seater, a

All battle job Lv80 complete reward mount / Flying beast with a gentle and wise face “Amaro”

This is a record of Mount "Amaro" who will become a companion when all battle jobs are set to Lv80.W

Beast Tribe Quests “Sylph” Mount, cute (?) “Laurel Goobbue” wearing a grass crown

This is a record of the Sylph's Beast Tribe Quests Mount "Laurel Goobbue".It's also pretty cute to s

Chocobo armor on the Bozjan Zadnor, cute military uniform chocobo messenger? “Bozjan Barding”

This is a record of the chocobo armor "Bozjan Barding" on the Zadnor in Bozjan.A hat featuring a lea

Is it equipped with an engine? Silver Chocobo Armor / The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Diamond Barding”

This is a record of the chocobo armor "Diamond Barding" of The Cloud Deck (Extreme).It is an armor b

Shadowbringers Extreme Content Complete Mount “Landerwaffe” -Mechanical dragon like a giant bomber

This is the mount "Landerwaffe" that can be obtained by collecting all the Dragon Mounts of Shadowbr

The Cloud Deck (Extreme) – Dragon Mount “Diamond Gwiber”

This is a record of the dragon mount "Diamond Gwiber" who will be a companion in The Cloud Deck (Ext

Armored leopard “Tank You, Dark Knight III” Achievement Mount “Battle Panther”

This is a record of the achievement "Tank You, Dark Knight III" reward mount "Battle Panther".Histor

8-seater giant whale space battleship mount “Lunar Whale” ≪Fan festival 2021 commemoration≫

This is the billing mount "Lunar Whale" that appeared in commemoration of Fan Festival 2021.This mou

Cinder Drift (Extreme)-Nero-like bright red dragon mount “Ruby Gwiber”

This is a record of the dragon mount "Ruby Gwiber" that can be obtained in Cinder Drift (Extreme).Be

Castrum Marinum (Extreme) – Green Corner Dragon Mount “Emerald Gwiber”

This is a record of the mount "Emerald Gwiber", which is rarely available in Castrum Marinum (Extrem

Rhalgr’s mount “Ixion” with a big thunder phantom beast horse

This is the legendary thunder phantom beast mount "Ixion".Ask any Gyr Abanian youth, and she will te

Moogle Quest Mount, cute fluffy fluff “Cloud Mallow”

This is the mount "Cloud Mallow" that can be obtained from the Moogle quest.It is on the so-called "

Dinosaur mount with travel tools, forbidden land Eureka Anemos ed. “Tyrannosaurus”

This is a large carnivorous dinosaur mount "Tyrannosaur".It's a dinosaur that's a little cute becaus

Black Unicorn Mount “Nightmare”

This is the black unicorn mount "Nightmare".It's a unicorn with a dignified face, with a very beauti

Propeller airplane mount “Falcon” like a tin toy that transforms in three stages

This is a classic design airplane mount "Falcon" like a pencil rocket.It is a two-wheeled big scoote

Mechanical chocobo armor “Bozjan” Delubrum Reginae “Queen’s Guard Barding”

This is a chocobo armor "Queen's Guard Barding" that imitates a legendary queen's personal guard and

Cute fat chocobo, A Realm Reborn CE mount “Fat Chocobo”

This is the mount "Fat Chocobo" which is a bonus for purchasing the collector's edition of A Realm R

Blue Flame Dog God, The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) Mount “Hallowed Kamuy”

This is the blue flame dog mount "Hallowed Kamuy" that can be rarely obtained in The Wreath of Snake

“Construct VI-S” “Three times faster?” Cat-shaped robot mount in red powered exoskeleton (Lalafell Ver.)

This is the red robot mount "Construct VI-S" that can be obtained from Faux Hollows such as The Nave

Gold cloud mount “Sunspun Cumulus” that is perfect for Son Goku costume

This is a billing mount "Sunspun Cumulus" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store.In flight,