* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *



[Glamour] Basch’s wild outfit from FF12! the Zadnor / Tank Equipment “Blade’s of Fending” Series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)

This is a record of tank equipment “Blade's of Fending” series on the Zadnor in Bozjan. "Blade's of
Gunbreaker Arm

Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Final Form (Sixth Stage) Shining Large Revolver Type Gunblade “Blade’s Resolve”

This is a record of Gunbreaker's final form of Resistance Weapon (Sixth Stage) "Blade's Resolve". A

[Glamour] “Knight of Red and Black” Tank fashionable light armor coordination “Dravanian Coat of Fending”

This is a record of my favorite tank coordination. Coordination this time 【Head】Durium Hairpin of Fe

[Glamour] Heavensward’s Thancred Costume and Hairstyle “Thancred’s Modish Attire ” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)

This is the billing equipment "Thancred's Modish Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online st

Gunbreaker AF2 (Initial Equipment) Wild Riders Style “Outsider” Series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)

This is a record of the "Outsider" series, which is the initial equipment of the Gunbreaker (can it
Gunbreaker Arm

The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Gunbreaker” Weapon / Revolver Type “Diamond Zeta Gunblade”

This is a record of the gun blade "Diamond Zeta Gunblade" that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Ex

[Glamour] Casual coordination with boot-cut jeans “Peacelover’s Pantaloons”

This is a coordination using my favorite flared jeans "Peacelover's Pantaloons". Coordination this t

[Glamour] Rough school uniform “Collegiate Attire (Slacks)” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)

This is a record of the billing equipment "Collegiate Attire (Slacks)" that can be purchased at the

[Glamour] “Japanese military uniform coordination with a sword” / “Replica Sky Pirates Striker Jacket” that can be worn for all jobs

This is a record of military uniform coordination using the "Replica Sky Pirate's Jacket of Striking

[Glamour] Fighting Butler “Loyal Butler’s Uniform” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is the billing equipment "Loyal Butler's Uniform" that can be purchased at the FF14 online stor

[Glamour] “Far Eastern Schoolboy’s Uniform” that feels the retro Japanese Taisho era (Lalafell Ver.)

This is the billing equipment "Far Eastern Schoolboy's Uniform" that can be purchased at the FF14 on
Gunbreaker Arm

Antique stretchable dagger, Gunbreaker’s Holminster weapon “Lakeland Manatrigger”

This is an antique design gunblade "Lakeland Manatrigger". If you just carry it on your back, it loo

[Glamour] New Alphinaud equipment and hairstyle & hair color pattern “Brand New Alphinaud’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is the new Alphinaud costume set "Brand New Alphinaud's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF

[Glamour] A cute kimono from the Heian period, “Lord’s Suikan Set” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a kimono "Lord's Suikan Set" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store. In addition, th

[Glamour] Early Alphinaud and Alisaie equipment “Sharlayan Prodigy’s Suit” (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)

This is the clothing "Sharlayan Prodigy's Suit" worn by Alphinaud and Alisaie in the early days. I w

[Glamour] Senior Officer of the Order of the Twin Adder of The Black Shroud in “Serpent Lieutenant’s Coat” that can be worn for all jobs

This is a record of coordination using my favorite "Serpent Lieutenant's Coat". Coordination this ti

[Glamour] Fighting cook’s clothes that can be worn for all jobs “Valentione Apron Attire” (Lalafell Boy Ver.)

This is the billing equipment "Valentione Apron Attire" that can be purchased at the FF14 online sto
Gunbreaker Arm

Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution 4th Form (5th Stage) Shining Blue “Augmented Law’s Order Manatrigger”

This is the Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon (RW) 4th Form (5th Stage) Shining Gunblade "Augmented Law
Gunbreaker Arm

Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Third Form (Fourth Stage) “Law’s Order Manatrigger”

This is the gunblade "Law's Order Manatrigger" which will be the third form in the 4th stage of the

[Glamour] Eastern Mafia? “Mun’gaek Attire” with an assassin-like atmosphere (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a chargeable equipment that can be purchased from the FF14 online store, and is a fashionabl