Ninja Arm Ninja AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) 1st Stage, Oda Nobunaga’s favorite sword “Animated Yukimitsu”
Gunbreaker Arm Sacred and noble large knife Mt. Gulg’s Gunbreaker weapon “Manatrigger of the Forgiven”
Glamour [Glamour] A “new adventurer-style” costume that travels through the Stormblood in a “New Game +”!
Black Mage Arm Ultimately cute lamp wand, Black mage AF3 weapon & Eureka weapon first form “Vanargand”
Glamour [Accessories] This is a cute ribbon necklace “Edenmete Necklace” that seems to come in handy (Eden’s Promise) This is the "Edenmete Necklace" series of necklaces with a design that was unlikely until now.Edenme 2020.12.14 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm Castrum Marinum (Extreme) / Gunbreaker Weapon “Emerald Sawback” This is the gunblade "Emerald Sawback" that can be obtained in the Castrum Marinum (Extreme).It's a 2020.12.13 Gunbreaker Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Everyday wear using the steampunk military uniform “Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending” in the tank It is a record of coordination using "Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending" which looks like a slightly ste 2020.12.12 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Doma’s Samurai General Cosplay “Gosetsu’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the "Gosetsu's Attire" where you can cosplay Doma's Samurai General Gosetsu.Gosetsu's Attire 2020.12.09 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm Shining Gunbreaker Weapon / DD The Palace of the Dead “Padjali Gunblade” This is the shining Deep Dungeon (DD) Weapon of the Palace of the Dead "Padjali Gunblade"It shines e 2020.12.06 Gunbreaker Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “The Howling Spirit” that allows you to dress up as a cute Halloween ghost This is the ghost costume "The Howling Spirit" that can be purchased at the FF14 online store. (This 2020.12.05 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Papalymo Cosplay “Papalymo’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the "Papalymo's Attire" where you can cosplay Papalymo.Papalymo's Attire【Head】Scion Thaumatu 2020.12.03 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A sweater with a very warm muffler and accessories “Adventure sweater” This is a very warm fashionable sweater "Adventuring Sweater"By the way, what I'm wearing here is …【 2020.11.28 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Very warm and cute Eskimo clothes “Highland” series (Lalafell Ver.) This is a very cute winter clothes "Highland" series.Highland series【Head】Highland Hood【Body】Highlan 2020.11.26 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Very warm military coat “Rebel Coat” (Lalafell Ver.) This is a military-style coat "Rebel Coat" (This Glamor can be worn in all jobs)By the way, there is 2020.11.25 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Eastern Mafia? “Far Eastern Officer’s Uniform” featuring a long coat and accessories with arm equipment (Lalafell Ver.) This is an oriental costume set "Far Eastern Officer's Uniform"Far Eastern Officer's Uniform【Head】Fa 2020.11.24 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] My favorite tank light equipment “Xenobian Surcoat” & “Nomad’s Breeches of Fending” This is a record of my favorite tank equipment set.What I'm wearing here …【Head】Durium Hairpin of Fe 2020.11.23 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Ward Knight’s Cosplay “Ward Knight’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the Ward Knight's equipment set for fighters "Ward Knight's Attire"Ward Knight's Attire【Body 2020.11.20 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] Aymeric’s equipment & hairstyle “Aymeric’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is Aymeric's equipment & hairstyle set "Aymeric's Attire"Aymeric's Attire【Body】Lord Commander's 2020.11.19 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker AF4 Weapon / Orthodox Gunblade “Lion Heart” This is Gunbreaker's AF4 weapon "Lion Heart"The design is just like a combination of a gun and a swo 2020.11.18 Gunbreaker Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “Cid” Cosplay “Cid’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.) This is the Glamours set "Cid's Attire" that can imitate Cid.Complete set of "Cid's Attire" (This Gl 2020.11.17 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “Garlond Ironworks Attire” that allows you to become a Garlond member (Lalafell Ver.) This is the Glamours set "Garlond Ironworks Attire" that allows you to become a member of Garlond Ir 2020.11.16 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm For some reason, the large sword-shaped gunblade “Doman Steel Gunblade” with the unicorn emblem of House Fortemps This is a fairly large gunbreaker weapon "Doman Steel Gunblade"I can understand that it is a gun bla 2020.11.14 Gunbreaker Arm
Glamour [Glamour] Elite military uniform and fashionable tank equipment “Augmented Crystarium Tabard of Fending” It is a record of coordination using the elite military uniform-like tank body equipment "Augmented 2020.11.13 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] A little noble and easy-to-use fashionable clothes “Woolen Bliaud” that can be worn for all jobs This is a fashionable outfit "Woolen Bliaud" that can be worn for all jobs and easily purchased at s 2020.11.09 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm Large antique gunblade that can be dyed, Dohn Mheg “Fae Manatrigger” This is a fashionable gun blade "Fae Manatrigger" that can be dyed. Different colors of that "Hrotti 2020.11.08 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Dyeable and fashionable antique wooden gunblade “Yaita Kai” This is the gun breaker weapon "Yaita Kai." This is a different color of "Wakasa Shin" and can be dy 2020.11.04 Gunbreaker Arm
Artifact SHADOWBRINGERS Thancred costume gun breaker AF4 equipment “bodyguard” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.) This is the "Bodyguard" series, which is the AF equipment of the gun breaker.AF4 equipment can be ob 2020.11.03 Artifact
Glamour [Glamour] Black swordsman, fashionable Foundation coat “Adept’s Gown” that can be worn for all jobs This is a record of coordination using the fashionable clothes "Adept's Gown" that can be worn for a 2020.10.31 Glamour
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form-Glowing Cylinder Bayonet “Crownsblade Recollection” This is Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon Second Form "Crownsblade Recollection"When you carry it on yo 2020.10.29 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form, Large and Sophisticated Cylinder Bayonet “Crownsblade” This is Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon (RW) first form "Crownsblade"The design of the cylinder part 2020.10.28 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Large antique wooden gunblade Abania’s gun breaker weapon “Hrotti” This is an antique wooden gunblade "Hrotti"When you look closer, it is finely decorated and even the 2020.10.25 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Antique and fashionable gunbreaker weapon, wooden gunblade “Wakasa Shin” This is a very fashionable gunbreaker weapon with an antique design "Wakasa Shin"It is a cute design 2020.10.24 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Fashionable knife Gunbreaker’s Arm “Doman Iron Gunblade” with a classic design This is a classic design gunblade "Doman Iron Gunblade"When I'm carrying it, it's a little short gun 2020.10.23 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Elegant and fashionable large knife-like gunbreaker weapon “Ghost Barque Gunblade” This is a stylish gunbreaker equipment "Ghost Barque Gunblade"Since it is a gun blade, it has a revo 2020.10.22 Gunbreaker Arm