Machinist Arm Machinist’s Manderville Weapon Stage 2: A small rifle that glows blue “Amazing Manderville Revolver”
Mount The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Chocobo Armor and Cute Robot-like Space Suit “Eternal Barding”
Scholar Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Scholar Weapos / A book in which magic circles float “Omega Codex”
Glamour The purple Japanese-style umbrella “Plum Paper Parasol” is a little subdued and cute to match with any clothes
Warrior Arm Warrior’s axe with cool effects of ink and lightning “Byakko’s Enspirited Greataxe” This is a record of the warrior's shining white tiger weapon, "Byakko's Enspirited Greataxe".An ax w 2022.01.03 Warrior Arm
Reaper Arm That’s cool! Reaper’s shining scythe, DD Palace of the Dead “Padjali War Scythe” This is a record of the reaper's glowing weapon, Padjali War Scythe.The shape seems to be the same a 2021.12.25 Reaper Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Axe “All Stages” Appearance Summary This is a summary record of all types of Warrior Anima Weapons (AW).So, the warrior's anima weapon i 2021.12.15 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Final Form-Sacred Black Axe of Red Flame “Minos Lux” This is a record of the axe "Minos Lux", which is the final stage (eighth stage) of the warrior's an 2021.12.14 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Stage-Sacred Beautiful Axe of Blue Flame “Minos” This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) 7th Form "Minos".It's just a small silver axe at 2021.12.13 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Stage-Glowing Dark Axe “Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor” This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) 6th Form "Sharpened Axe of the Blood Emperor".Ju 2021.12.11 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) 4th Stage-Glowing Silver Accessory Axe “Hyperconductive Ukonvasara” This is a record of the fourth form of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW), the Hyperconductive Ukonvasa 2021.11.29 Warrior Arm
Summoner Arm The shining book of the summoner, “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Grimoire”, in which the flames and feathers of Suzaku are scattered. This is a record of the summoner's shining weapon "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Grimoire".The shape of the 2021.10.17 Summoner Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Axe “All Forms” Appearance Summary This is a summary of the appearance of the Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) "All Forms".The evolutionary p 2021.10.05 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Final Form-Glowing Gaming Magitek Axe “Shamash Eureka” This is a record of the weapon "Shamash Eureka", which is the final stage of the warrior Eureka Weap 2021.10.03 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fourth Form-A glowing axe wrapped in flames “Pyros Battleaxe” This is the record of "Pyros Battleaxe", which is the fourth form of the warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) 2021.09.29 Warrior Arm
Scholar Arm Goddess Sophia’s Shining Scholar Weapon, Holy Aura Book “Song of the Goddess” This is a record of the shining scholar's book "Song of the Goddess".It is based on a white book and 2021.09.17 Scholar Arm
Warrior Arm Gothic and fashionable warrior weapon, Sophia’s holy light axe “Axe of the Goddess” This is a record of the glowing warrior weapon "Axe of the Goddess".With gold decoration on a black 2021.08.18 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior’s Anima Weapon (AW) Second Form-The end-of-the-century axe “Parashu Awoken” that shines like a score This is a record of the Warrior's Anima Weapon (AW) Phase 2 "Parashu Awoken".If you just carry it on 2021.08.09 Warrior Arm
Dancer Arm Dancer’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Chakram “Enchufla Recollection” where the light runs This is a record of the dancer's Resistance Weapon (RW) second form of throwing weapon "Enchufla Rec 2021.08.02 Dancer Arm
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form-The glowing book “Espiritus Recollection” in which the wings of Bahamut appear This is a record of the Summoner's Resistance Weapon Second Form book "Espiritus Recollection".If yo 2021.08.01 Summoner Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Bow “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary This is a summary of all stages of the Bard's Resistance Weapon (RW).The resistance weapons of this 2021.07.31 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Final Form (Sixth Stage) Shining antique fashionable bow “Blade’s Muse” This is a record of the final stage of the bard Resistance Weapon (RW), Blade's Muse.It is a very an 2021.07.29 Bard Arm
Monk Arm Claws wrapped in the fire of hell, a glowing monk fighting weapon “Augmented Hellfire Claws” This is a record of the glowing monk fighting weapon "Augmented Hellfire Claws".You can hardly see i 2021.07.26 Monk Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s Resistance Weapon (RW) 4th Form (5th Stage) Shining Cute Cello “Augmented Law’s Order Composite Bow” This is a record of the bard's Resistance Weapon (RW) 4th form (5th stage) bow "Augmented Law's Orde 2021.07.24 Bard Arm
Machinist Arm A beautifully shining Machinist gun with Suzaku’s feathers, a fashionable revolver wrapped in flames “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Revolver” This is a record of the fashionable Machinist weapon "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Revolver" in which the f 2021.07.22 Machinist Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Resistance Weapon (RW) Axe “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary This is a summary of all stages of the Warrior's Weapon Enhancement Content "Resistance Weapon (RW)" 2021.06.26 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Resistance Weapon (RW) Final Form (Sixth Stage) Shining antique axe “Blade’s Valor” This is a record of the weapon "Blade's Valor", which is the final form (sixth stage) of the Warrior 2021.06.25 Warrior Arm
Warrior Arm Warrior Resistance Weapon (RW) 4th Form (5th Stage) Heavy Shining Flame Axe “Augmented Law’s Order Labrys” This is a record of the Warrior's Resistance Weapon (RW) Fourth Form (Fifth Stage) "Augmented Law's 2021.06.24 Warrior Arm
White Mage Arm White Mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage-Glowing Legendary Relic Cane “Thyrus Zenith” This is a record of the White Mage Zodiac Weapon (ZW) second form "Thyrus Zenith".If you just carry 2021.06.23 White Mage Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist Resistance Weapon (RW) “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary This is a record that summarizes the evolution "all forms" of the resistance weapon (RW) of the Mach 2021.06.12 Machinist Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary This is a summary of all stages of evolution of the Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Gunblade.Since 2021.06.10 Gunbreaker Arm
Scholar Arm Scholar Resistance Weapon (RW) “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary This is a record of the evolution of all stages of the scholar's weapon, the Resistance Weapon (RW). 2021.06.09 Scholar Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Final Form (Sixth Stage) Shining Classic Wooden Double Barrel Hunting Gun “Blade’s Ingenuity” This is a record of the Machinist's Resistance Weapon (RW) final form (sixth stage) "Blade's Ingenui 2021.06.06 Machinist Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Final Form (Sixth Stage) Shining Large Revolver Type Gunblade “Blade’s Resolve” This is a record of Gunbreaker's final form of Resistance Weapon (Sixth Stage) "Blade's Resolve".A b 2021.06.05 Gunbreaker Arm