* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *

Glowing Weapon

Scholar Arm

Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Final Form (Sixth Stage) A cute book of glowing rape blossoms “Blade’s Wisdom”

This is a record of "Blade's Wisdom," the final form of the scholar's resistance weapon (sixth stage
Bard Arm

Bard’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Shining Fashionable Metal Bow “Brilliance Recollection”

This is the weapon "Brilliance Recollection" which is the second form (third stage) of the resistanc
White Mage Arm

White Mage Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Mysterious Shining Branch “Ingrimm Recollection”

This is the White Mage's Resistance Weapon (RW) second form (third stage) wand "Ingrimm Recollection
Machinist Arm

Lord of Dragons Nidhogg’s brilliantly shining Machinist gun “Seeing Horde Handgonne”

This is a mechanic's weapon "Seeing Horde Handgonne" that seems to have the motif of Lord of Dragons
Dark Knight Arm

Dark Knight Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Fourth Form (Fifth Stage) Sword that emits purple light “Augmented Law’s Order Zweihander”

This is the "Augmented Law's Order Zweihander", the fourth form (fifth stage) of the Dark Knight's R
Monk Arm

[Zodiac Braves] Shining Kettle Hot Monk Weapon “Kettle Knuckles (Zenith & Nexus)”

This is a kind of Zodiac weapon "Kettle" monk fighting weapon "Kettle Knuckles" "Kettle Knuckles Zen
Dragoon Arm

Lord of Dragons Nidhogg’s brilliant Dragoon weapon “Seeing Horde Spear”

This is Dragoon's spear "Seeing Horde Spear" which seems to have the motif of Nidhogg.This is a vers
Paladin Arm

Paladin’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Shining Weapon “Honorbound Recollection & Tenacity Recollection”

This is the Paladin's Resistance Weapon (RW) second form (third stage), the sword "Honorbound Recoll
Monk Arm

A skeleton punch that glows like an Allagan! Monk fighting weapon “Wootz Knuckles”

This is Monk's fighting weapon "Wootz Knuckles" that shines like an Allagan.When you carry it around
Machinist Arm

Machinist’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Fourth Form (Fifth Stage) Blue Shining Synthetic Gun “Augmented Law’s Order Revolver”

This is the weapon "Augmented Law's Order Revolver" which is the fourth form (fifth stage) of the re
Bard Arm

Shining mechanical rose bow, bard weapon “Rosenbogen”

This is the shining bard's fashionable bow "Rosenbogen".When you hold the bow, it deforms and glows.
Scholar Arm

Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Fourth Form (Fifth Stage) Shining antique spellbook “Augmented Law’s Order Codex”

This is the scholar's Resistance Weapon (RW) 4th form (5th stage) "Augmented Law's Order Codex"If yo
Gunbreaker Arm

Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution 4th Form (5th Stage) Shining Blue “Augmented Law’s Order Manatrigger”

This is the Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon (RW) 4th Form (5th Stage) Shining Gunblade "Augmented Law
Monk Arm

A huge glowing Titan punch! Monk Weapon “Tremor Knuckles”

This is the glowing Titan monk fighting weapon "Tremor Knuckles".When you carry it around your waist
Samurai Arm

A sword that glows with feathers and bubbles, a mysterious Bismarck samurai weapon “Endless Expanse Katana”

This is the shining samurai sword "Endless Expanse Katana" by Bismarck.The scabbard is also luxuriou
Dragoon Arm

Dragoon Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage, Faintly Shining Spear “Gae Bolg Zenith”

This is the second stage of the Dragon Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Gae Bolg Zenith".If you carry it on your
Warrior Arm

Warrior Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Shining Round Moon Axe “Skullrender Recollection”

This is the Warrior's Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form "Skullrender Recollection"The handle is ver
Gunbreaker Arm

Shining Gunbreaker Weapon / DD The Palace of the Dead “Padjali Gunblade”

This is the shining Deep Dungeon (DD) Weapon of the Palace of the Dead "Padjali Gunblade"It shines e
Paladin Arm

Glittering King Thordan’s Paladin Arm “Sword of the Round & Shield”

This is the King Thordan's glowing paladin equipment "Sword of the Round" and "Shield of the Round."
Dark Knight Arm

A dark knight sword with suzaku wings and flames dancing “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Odachi”

This is a version of Suzaku's Dark Knight with a glowing effect "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Odachi."When
Gunbreaker Arm

Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form-Glowing Cylinder Bayonet “Crownsblade Recollection”

This is Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon Second Form "Crownsblade Recollection"When you carry it on yo
Scholar Arm

A beautiful book with feathers, Garuda’s scholarly book “Embrace of the Vortex”

This is a scholarly book "Embrace of the Vortex" with feathers dancing with Garuda as a motif.This i
Dark Knight Arm

Dark Knight Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form / Sword that shines brilliantly “Woeborn Recollection”

This is the second form of the Dark Knight's Resistance Weapon (RW) "Woeborn Recollection"It's exact
Machinist Arm

Machinist’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form, Shining Classic Handgun “Lawman Recollection”

This is the second form of the Machinist's Resistance Weapon (RW) "Lawman Recollection"It is exactly
Scholar Arm

Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Second Form-Butterfly’s Dancing Grimoire “Akademos Recollection”

This is the second form of the scholar's resistance weapon "Akademos Recollection"The design of the
Machinist Arm

Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) “All Stages” Appearance Summary

Here is a summary of the appearance of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) "All Stages".The process of
Machinist Arm

Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW) Sixth Form (Final Form) Shining Beautiful Gun “Mollfrith Eureka”

This is the final form of the Machinist Eureka Weapon (EW), "Mollfrith Eureka"If you just carry it o
Warrior Arm

Warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Stage-Glowing Relic Axe “Bravura Zenith”

This is the second stage of the warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW), "Bravura Zenith"Just carrying it on your
Scholar Arm

Bismarck’s feathers and bubbles dance beautiful scholarly weapon “Endless Expanse Codex”

This is "Endless Expanse Codex," which is an evolution of Bismarck's scholarly weapon "Expanse Codex
Machinist Arm

A cute blue parrot machinist gun “Parrotliege Musketoon”

This is a cute parrot with a blue handle, a machinist gun "Parrotliege Musketoon."When you carry it