Glamour [Glamour] My favorite tank light equipment “Xenobian Surcoat” & “Nomad’s Breeches of Fending”
Glamour Cosplay of the energetic Lyse from Stormblood! “Scion Liberator’s Attire” (Lalafell Female Ver.)
Glamour Apostle of the Evil? “Ktiseos of Fending” series of tank equipment of Ktisis Hyperboreia (Lalafell Ver.)
Mount Beautiful three-wheeled tractor that looks like a classic American motorcycle “Garlond GL-IIT” (Lalafell Ver.)
Glamour “Azeyma’s Earrings” are the earrings of the goddess Azeyma, who rules over the sun and judgment
Machinist Arm Machinist AF3 Gun Evolved Eureka Weapon Third form “Outsider Anemos” Machinist AF3's "Antiquated Outsider" can be evolved with The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos.The so-c 2020.06.15 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm Machinist’s gun “Deathlocke Lux” which is the final type of anima weapon The final type of Machinist gun in the Anima weapon(AW)story "Deathlocke Lux"☞ Best Friends ForeverT 2020.06.14 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm The evolved The Navel gun “Tremor Culverin” I think it's a very old gun, but I like it surprisingly.Machinist gun "Tremor Culverin"Apparently, " 2020.06.14 Machinist Arm
Dark Knight Arm Thok ast Thok Dark Sword Evolution “Dead Hive Claymore” I really like this sword.A dark knight's sword "Dead Hive Claymore" where butterflies dance.It's blu 2020.06.14 Dark Knight Arm
Machinist Arm Glowing Gatling Gun Machinist’s AW 4th stage “Hyperconductive Armageddon” This is a shining version of my favorite Armageddon that I introduced before.☞ Hyperconductive Armag 2020.06.13 Machinist Arm
Machinist Arm A futuristic, Machinist’s AW 6th stage gun with a beautiful glow “Sharpened Flame of the Dynast” This is also an evolution of anima weapon(AW), but it's my favorite gun.It is a gun that has a sense 2020.06.13 Machinist Arm