Ninja Arm Ninja AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon (AW) 1st Stage, Oda Nobunaga’s favorite sword “Animated Yukimitsu”
Weapon Collections The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “All 17 Jobs” Summary of Weapon Appearance (Eva-like Weapon Collection?)
Paladin Arm Large Colosseum Shining weapon – Gerolt’s Masterwork for Paladin “Burtgang & Noct Hoplon”
Mount The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Mount Perpetual Motion Angel’s Wings “Wings of Eternity”
Paladin Arm The shining and divine Hydaely Paladin Weapon, the Bastard Sword & Shield of Sanctifying Light
Weapon Collections Summary of the appearance of all 19 jobs of Manderville Weapon (MW) final form “Mandervillous”!
Paladin Arm Smallest Gaia Hammer? Paladin Weapon “Obscure Hyposkhesphyra” This is a record of the Paladin's weapon "Obscure Hyposkhesphyra" that can be purchased at the FF14 2023.01.20 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Paladin Weapon / Face Shield with Open Wings “Omega Sword & Omega Shield” This is a record of the Paladin Sword and Shield "Omega Sword" & "Omega Shield" available in Alphasc 2023.01.10 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Third Form “Curtana Atma & Holy Shield Atma” This is a record of the Paladin Zodiac Weapon Tier 3 Sword "Curtana Atma" and Shield "Holy Shield At 2022.11.14 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Sword & Kite Shield” This is a record of Paladin's Manderville weapons(MW) First Form "Manderville Sword" & "Manderville 2022.11.06 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Jet-black crossed Paladin weapon “Lakeland Longsword & Kite Shield” This is a record of the Paladin Sword and Shield "Lakeland Longsword" & "Lakeland Kite Shield" avail 2022.10.24 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Slightly pirate-like Paladin weapon “Augmented Cryptlurker’s Sword & Kite Shield” This is a record of the Paladin's Sword and Shield "Augmented Cryptlurker's Sword" & "Augmented Cryp 2022.10.15 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm The Maelstrom’s cute little pirate shield “Maelstrom Escutcheon” This is the record of The Maelstrom's shield "Maelstrom Escutcheon".Till Sea Swallows ALLForeignLevy 2022.10.01 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Seiryu’s shining paladin weapon “Seiryu’s Sanctified Longsword & Shield” where the water dragon dances. This is a record of Seiryu's glowing version of Paladin's weapons "Seiryu's Sanctified Longsword" & 2022.09.13 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Titania’s glowing paladin weapon with butterflies dancing “The Fae’s Crown Sword & Shield” This is a record of Titania's glowing version of Paladin Sword and Shield "The Fae's Crown Sword" & 2022.09.01 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Samurai weapon-like Japanese style precious Paladin sword and shield “Homura & Mitsuha” This is a record of the paladin's Japanese-style weapons "Homura Kai" and "Mitsuba Kai".Especially t 2022.08.16 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm A shining paladin weapon with suzaku wings flying around “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Longsword & Shield” This is a record of the shining Suzaku weapons "Suzaku's Flame-kissed Longsword" and "Suzaku's Flame 2022.07.20 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm The Great Gubal Library’s Paladin Weapon, Lalafell Dynasty Sword and Shield “Belah’dian Anelace & The Southern Sun” This is a record of the Paladin sword "Belah'dian Anelace" & shield "The Southern Sun" available in 2022.06.14 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Transforming mechanical paladin weapon “Augmented Ironworks Magitek Sword & Shield” This is a record of Garlond's paladin weapons "Augmented Ironworks Magitek Sword" and "Augmented Iro 2022.05.21 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Second Form, “Curtana & Holy Shield Zenith” with a rainbow-colored aura This is a record of the second stage of Paladin's Zodiac Weapon, the sword "Curtana Zenith" and the 2022.05.11 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) First form, silver shield and light blue sword “Curtana & Holy Shield” This is a record of Paladin's first stage of Zodiac Weapon (AF1 weapon) "Curtana" & "Holy Shield" ca 2022.05.06 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon (ZW) Pre-stage-Beautiful sword like the White Auracite “Unfinished Curtana” This is a record of Paladin's Zodiac Weapon (ZW) pre-stage sword "Unfinished Curtana".In addition, t 2022.05.02 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Cactuar’s cute Paladin weapon, Gold Saucer prize “Senor Sabotender’s Blade & Shield” This is a record of the Paladin swords and shields "Senor Sabotender's Blade" & "Senor Sabotender's 2022.04.23 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm “Company Escutcheon” for fashionable shields, Paladins, White mage, and Black mage that can be equipped from Lv1 This is a record of the fashionable shield "Company Escutcheon" that can be equipped from Lv1 and co 2022.04.18 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm The first glowing weapon! Paladin’s Garuda Sword and Titan Shield “Gaze of the Vortex & Tremor Shield” This is a record of Noriko-chan's first glowing weapon, the Paladin's Garuda sword "Gaze of the Vort 2022.04.12 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Fashionable officer sword / Paladin weapon “Storm Officer’s Cutlass” with the flag of The Maelstrom as a motif This is a record of the paladin weapon "Storm Officer's Cutlass" of the Grand Company The Maelstrom. 2022.04.11 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Early Gladiator’s fashionable shield, Sastasha’s floral treasure “Warded Round Shield” (Noriko Note) This is a record of the fashionable shield "Warded Round Shield" that is useful for Gladiator or Pal 2022.03.19 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Black Rose Sword and Shield / Ktisis Hyperboreia’s Paladin Weapon “Ktiseos Sword & Shield” Today is a record of the Paladin weapons "Ktiseos Sword" and "Ktiseos Shield" available on Ktisis Hy 2022.03.03 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF5 weapon “Lightbringer & Hero’s Shield”, which bears the name of the strongest sword and shield of all time Today is a record of Paladin's AF5 (Lv89 ~) weapon sword "Lightbringer" and shield "Hero's Shield".I 2022.02.25 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF4 weapon, a deformed shield with spreading wings and a brave sword “Sequence & Srivatsa” This is a record of Paladin's AF4 (Lv80) weapon / sword "Sequence" and shield "Srivatsa".If you look 2021.12.02 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-King Arthur’s Legendary Sword and Shield “Galatyn & Evalach” This is a record of Paladin's AF3 (Lv70) weapon / sword "Antiquated Galatyn" & shield "Antiquated Ev 2021.11.18 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Fashionable and cool matte finish, Paladin’s weapon “Chromite Sword & Shield” This is a record of Paladin's sword and shield "Chromite Sword" & "Chromite Shield".This is a crafte 2021.09.05 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF2 Weapon & Anima Weapon Stage 1 Epic The Song of Roland’s Sword and King Arthur’s Shield “Hauteclaire & Prytwen” This is a record of Paladin's AF2 (Lv60) sword "Hauteclaire" & shield "Prytwen" and Anima Weapon (AW 2021.08.05 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm The Cloud Deck (Extreme) “Paladin” Weapon Eva-like deformed shield “Diamond Zeta Bastard Sword & Scutum” This is a record of the Paladin's sword and shield "Diamond Zeta Bastard Sword" and "Diamond Zeta Sc 2021.05.08 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Second Form, Shining Weapon “Honorbound Recollection & Tenacity Recollection” This is the Paladin's Resistance Weapon (RW) second form (third stage), the sword "Honorbound Recoll 2021.03.12 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Glittering King Thordan’s Paladin Arm “Sword of the Round & Shield” This is the King Thordan's glowing paladin equipment "Sword of the Round" and "Shield of the Round." 2020.11.05 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Bismarck’s paladin equipment “Endless Expanse Sword & Shield” with wings and bubbles These are the "Endless Expanse Sword" and "Endless Expanse Shield" with effects on Paladin's Bismarc 2020.09.17 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Warrior of Light Extreme, slightly shining Gladiator’s Arm “Sword of Light & Shield” This is Paladin Arms "Sword of Light" & "Shield of Light" available in the new extreme content of pa 2020.08.21 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Paladin’s Resistance Weapon(RW)First form Mirror Sword “Honorbound & Tenacity” This is Paladin's Resistance Weapon (RW) first stage "Honorbound & Tenacity."The contrast between si 2020.08.10 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Katzbalger & Shield” Paladin’s sword & shield with a cool opening and closing gimmick After all, Scaevan equipment with excellent design. This time I will introduce the sword and shield 2020.07.04 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm “Enhancing Sword & Ritter Shield” The Most Beautiful Paladin Sword & Shield “Rose Knight” This Paladin equipment has a really beautiful design. You can see that it is popular.Enhancing Sword 2020.06.29 Paladin Arm
Paladin Arm Pickel Paladin Equipment “Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock & Shield” This is equipment for the Paladin, but it's actually my favorite ✨Dwarven Mythril PikenstockDwarven 2020.06.14 Paladin Arm