Artifact Different colors of Monk AF1 equipment, vivid yellow Vintage Equipment “Melee” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight’s MW final form: Valuable “whip” bellows sword “Mandervillous Greatsword”
Warrior Arm Warrior Resistance Weapon (RW) Third Form (Fourth Stage) Extra Thick Axe “Law’s Order Labrys”
Paladin Arm “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Katzbalger & Shield” Paladin’s sword & shield with a cool opening and closing gimmick
Artifact A little military uniform-like scholar AF4 equipment “Arbatel” series and dyeing pattern (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Artifact Summoner’s AF4 equipment, cute opera-style court costume “Beckoner” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Scholar Arm Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Evolution Fourth Form (Fifth Stage) Shining antique spellbook “Augmented Law’s Order Codex”
Summoner Arm Pirate Ship’s Red Book / The Maelstrom’s Summoner Weapon “Storm Captain’s Grimoire” This is a record of the summoner weapon "Storm Captain's Grimoire" that can be obtained in the Maels 2023.02.04 Summoner Arm
Dragoon Arm The longest “Hammer of Gaia”? Dragoon Weapon “Stark Hyposkhesphyra” This is a record of the Dragoon's spear "Stark Hyposkhesphyra" that can be purchased at the FF14 onl 2023.02.02 Dragoon Arm
Sage Arm This is Fin Funnel!!? U-shaped Sage Weapon “Tropaios Wings” This is the record of the PvP Reward Sage's Nouliths, Tropaios Wings.It's a stylish Nouriths with a 2023.01.29 Sage Arm
Dark Knight Arm Elongated Hammer of Gaia Dark Knight Weapon “Shadow Hyposkhesphyra” This is a record of the Dark Knight's greatsword "Shadow Hyposkhesphyra" that can be purchased at th 2023.01.28 Dark Knight Arm
Ninja Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Ninja weapon, transforming digital sickle “Omega Sickles” This is a record of the ninja weapon "Omega Sickles" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).At first 2023.01.24 Ninja Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Gunbreaker Weapon, Sci-Fi Gunblade “Omega Bayonet” This is a record of the Gunbreaker weapon "Omega Bayonet" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).When 2023.01.23 Gunbreaker Arm
Dancer Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Dancer Weapon, Omega’s eyes glowing “Omega Chakrams” This is a record of the dancer's throwing weapon "Omega Chakrams" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Sava 2023.01.22 Dancer Arm
Machinist Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Machinist weapon, Wave motion gun “Omegafire” This is a record of the machinist's gun "Omegafire" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).It is a de 2023.01.21 Machinist Arm
Paladin Arm Smallest Gaia Hammer? Paladin Weapon “Obscure Hyposkhesphyra” This is a record of the Paladin's weapon "Obscure Hyposkhesphyra" that can be purchased at the FF14 2023.01.20 Paladin Arm
Warrior Arm Slightly smaller Gaia’s Hammer / Warrior Weapon “Black Hyposkhesphyra” This is a record of the warrior weapon "Black Hyposkhesphyra" that can be purchased at the FF14 onli 2023.01.19 Warrior Arm
Reaper Arm Gaia’s Hammer Reaper Weapon “Stygian Hyposkhesphyra” This is a record of the Reaper's weapon "Stygian Hyposkhesphyra" that can be purchased at the FF14 o 2023.01.18 Reaper Arm
Sage Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) sage weapon, cannon-type funnel “Omega Wings” This is a record of the Sage's Nouliths "Omega Wings" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).It looks 2023.01.13 Sage Arm
Reaper Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Reaper Weapon / Coolest Scythe “Omega Zaghnal” This is a record of the Reaper weapon "Omega Zaghnal" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).There is 2023.01.12 Reaper Arm
Paladin Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) Paladin Weapon / Face Shield with Open Wings “Omega Sword & Omega Shield” This is a record of the Paladin Sword and Shield "Omega Sword" & "Omega Shield" available in Alphasc 2023.01.10 Paladin Arm
Bard Arm Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) bard weapon, quiver with glowing face “Omega Bow” This is a record of the bard's weapon "Omega Bow" available in Alphascape V4.0 (Savage).A stylish bo 2023.01.09 Bard Arm
Reaper Arm Reaper weapon of the dark and sacred ruined city of Nabaath “Rinascita Zaghnal” This is the record of the Reaper's scythe, Rinascita Zaghnal.While "Nabaath Zaghnal" had a refreshin 2023.01.08 Reaper Arm
Sage Arm Bat-like or child-dragon-like Sage Weapon “Radiant’s Milpreves” This is a recording of Sage's Nouriths "Radiant's Milpreves".It is a design that seems to be no doub 2023.01.07 Sage Arm
Scholar Arm Slightly Mechanical Scholar’s Book “Imperial Magitek Codex” This is a record of the Imperial Magitek Codex, a scholar's weapon available in The Tower of Babil.T 2023.01.05 Scholar Arm
Monk Arm Golden Tonfa monk weapon that shines in turquoise color “Classical Tonfa” This is a record of Monk's melee weapon "Classical Tonfa".It's a great combat weapon.And when you se 2022.12.27 Monk Arm
Samurai Arm Is this an engine blade? The Tower of Babil Samurai Weapon “Imperial Magitek Samurai Blade” This is a record of the samurai katana "Imperial Magitek Samurai Blade" available at The Tower of Ba 2022.12.26 Samurai Arm
Reaper Arm Super large reaper scythe with devil eyes PvP weapon “Tropaios Scythe” This is a record of the Reaper's Weapon Tropaios Scythe, which can be obtained as a PvP reward.The o 2022.12.23 Reaper Arm
Sage Arm Onion Fin Funnel ? Holminster’s Sage Weapon “Lakeland Wings” This is a record of the sage's weapon "Lakeland Wings" that can be obtained in Holminster Switch.It 2022.12.22 Sage Arm
Black Mage Arm A Black Mage’s flower rod with dancing butterflies and bubbles Titania Weapon “The Fae’s Crown Rod” This is the record of the black mage's glowing Titania weapon "The Fae's Crown Rod".Also, the ones I 2022.12.21 Black Mage Arm
Red Mage Arm The Red Mage’s Titania weapon “The Fae’s Crown Rapier” where butterflies, bubbles and rainbows dance. This is the record of the red mage's glowing Titania rapier "The Fae's Crown Rapier".There are fairy 2022.12.20 Red Mage Arm
Weapon Collections Manderville weapons (MW) first stage of all 19 jobs Appearance summary This is a summary record of the first form of Mandavil Weapon for all Jobs.The first stage of the Ma 2022.12.18 Weapon Collections
Dancer Arm Dancer’s Manderville weapons (MW) First stage “Manderville Chakrams” This is the record of the Dancer's Manderville weapons First Form "Manderville Chakrams".Various jew 2022.12.16 Dancer Arm
Summoner Arm Purple grimoire with dancing feathers and bubbles Summoner weapon “Endless Expanse Grimoire” This is a record of the summoner's weapon "Endless Expanse Grimoire".A sacred grimoire with a gorgeo 2022.12.13 Summoner Arm
Reaper Arm Red Lightning Reaper Weapon PvP Reward “Hellhound Scythe” This is a record of the Reaper's scythe "Hellhound Scythe".It has a rugged design and bandages are w 2022.12.12 Reaper Arm
Black Mage Arm Black Mage’s Manderville weapons (MW) Stage 1 “Manderville Rod” This is the record of the first form of the black mage's Manderville weapons, Manderville Rod.It is 2022.12.11 Black Mage Arm
Samurai Arm A dark fantasy samurai weapon that shines in purple “Monstrorum Katana” This is a record of the samurai weapon "Monstrorum Katana" that can be obtained in The Tower of Zot. 2022.12.09 Samurai Arm