Astrologian Arm Astrologian’s AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Ribbon swings and cute celestial globe “Pleiades”
Summoner Arm Summoner’s Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form-Purple and beautiful noble book “Espiritus”
Reaper Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Electronic Butterfly Scythe Reaper Weapon “War Scythe Eternal”
Viper Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Viper Weapon – Dual-wielding Beam Saber “Twinfangs Eternal”
Misc notes The remaining usage of “Allagan Tomestone of Poetics” & “Company Seals”: For AW & ZW & MW to do someday…
Ninja Arm Ninja AF3 Weapon & Eureka Weapon First Form-Simple Claw-shaped Japanese-style Assassin Knife “Nagi”
Glamour [Glamour] A Japanese princess who looks like a Juni-Hitoe – “Shishu Gozen Kochiki” Lalafell Ver.
Glamour [Glamour] A dignified and cute student council president? “Honor student” coordination for Healers
Artifact Dancer’s AF2 Equipment (Initial Equipment) Thavnairian Outfit “Softstepper” Series (Lalafell Female Ver.)
Astrologian Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s Astrologian Weapon, Space Chocobo’s Celestial Globe? “Torquetum Eternal” This is a recording of the Torquetum Eternal, an astrologian weapon available in The Minstrel’s Ball 2024.11.16 Astrologian Arm
White Mage Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s green haloed White Mage electronic weapon, “Staff Eternal” This is a record of the White Mage weapon, the Staff Eternal, available in The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sp 2024.11.15 White Mage Arm
Pictomancer Arm The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden’s beautiful white electronic brush, Pictomancer weapon “Paintbrush Eternal” This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon, the Paintbrush Eternal, available in The Minstrel’s Ball 2024.11.14 Pictomancer Arm
Paladin Arm A beautiful Rasta-colored sword and shield, the Paladin weapon “Quetzalli Longsword & Kite Shield” This is a record of the Paladin's weapons, the Quetzalli Longsword and the Quetzalli Kite Shield.The 2024.11.13 Paladin Arm
Bard Arm The Imperial Magitek Bow is a Bard weapon that resembles a rusty factory plant This is a record of the Bard weapon, the Imperial Magitek Bow, available in The Tower of Babil.It is 2024.11.12 Bard Arm
Warrior Arm Dark fantasy, ferocious giant axe, Warrior AF6 weapon “Ferocity” This is a record of the Warrior's AF6 weapon, "Ferocity."The heavy metal axe is wrapped in red banda 2024.11.11 Warrior Arm
Artifact Wild Horn Primitive Equipment Warrior AF6 “Agoge” (Lalafell Male Ver.) This is a record of the Warrior's AF6 Gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Agoge" serie 2024.11.10 Artifact
Pictomancer Arm An antique and noble white flat brush, Pictomancer weapon “Archeo Kingdom Round Brush” This is a record of the Pictmancer's weapon, the Archeo Kingdom Round Brush.The white brush and luxu 2024.11.09 Pictomancer Arm
Dark Knight Arm The “Senor Sabotender’s Spiked Rod” is a fun Dark Knight weapon that spins the Gold Saucer slot This is a record of the Dark Knight's two-handed sword, "Senor Sabotender's Spiked Rod," which can b 2024.11.08 Dark Knight Arm
Scholar Arm A scholar’s mechanical electronic grimoire with a rotating circular antenna, “Word of Ra’Kaznar” This is a record of the scholar's weapon, "Word of Ra'Kaznar."The purple glitter here and there is a 2024.11.07 Scholar Arm
Letter Thoughts and thanks for “DAWNTRAIL”. Zoraal Ja, Sphene, Justice and a sense of Mission! -Norirow Note- Hello, I'm Norirow Note.Although a little late, I have finally completed "DAWNTRAIL," so I would lik 2024.11.06 Letter
Minion Butterbur fairy? Cute baby Koropokkur minion “Korpokkur Kid” This is a record of the minion, Korpokkur Kid, from Saint Mocianne's Arboretum.A very cute minion ma 2024.11.05 Minion
Glamour [Glamour] A casual jacket and jeans for a relaxed everyday look This is a record of Noriko's favorite, easy-going glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates 2024.11.04 Glamour
Warrior Arm A transformable mechanical axe with a purple glowing checkered flag, Warrior weapon “Ra’Kaznar Labrys” This is a record of the Warrior's weapon, the Ra'Kaznar Labrys.When you take aim, the blade will spi 2024.11.03 Warrior Arm
Reaper Arm A cool chain scythe made of crow feathers, Reaper’s AF6 weapon “Vendetta” This is a record of Reaper's AF6 weapon, "Vendetta."It features large feathers and luxurious gold de 2024.11.02 Reaper Arm
Artifact Bold mesh-design leather outfit, Reaper AF6 Gear “Assassin” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of Reaper's AF6 gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Assassin" series. 2024.11.01 Artifact
Astrologian Arm Antique snake-patterned celestial globe, astrologer weapon “Neo Kingdom Planisphere” This is a record of the Astrologian's Weapon, "Neo Kingdom Planisphere."The center features a snake 2024.10.31 Astrologian Arm
White Mage Arm The mechanical candelabra-like purple crystal White Mage weapon “Claro Walnut Cane” This is a record of the White Mage's weapon, the Claro Walnut Cane.Like the Scaevan Magitek Cane, pa 2024.10.30 White Mage Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “Clean Clown in White Tuxedo” Crown Attire – Arranged Coordination This is a record of Norirow's favorite convenient glamours that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates 2024.10.29 Glamour
Dancer Arm The alluring and delicious-looking dancer weapon that shines pink, “Titanium Gold War Quoits” This is a record of the Dancer's thrown weapon, the Titanium Gold War Quoits.When it is attached to 2024.10.28 Dancer Arm
Reaper Arm The Reaper’s giant robotic electronic weapon, “Vanguard War Scythe” This is a record of the Reaper weapon "Vanguard War Scythe" available in Vanguard (97ID).When you ta 2024.10.27 Reaper Arm
Astrologian Arm The Goddess’ Celestial Globe with Angelic Wings and the Astrologian’s AF6 Weapon “Metis” This is a record of the Astrologian's AF6 weapon, "Metis."At first glance, the design does not look 2024.10.26 Astrologian Arm
Artifact A beautiful velvet witch costume / Astrologian AF6 Gear “Ephemerist” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Astrologian's AF6 Gear (DAWNTRAIL's Lv100 job-exclusive equipment) "Ephemeri 2024.10.25 Artifact
Minion All Saints’ Wake Minion “Little Yang” is a cute Halloween ghost that laughs loudly This is a record of the paid minion "Little Yang," which can be purchased from the FF14 Online Store 2024.10.24 Minion
Reaper Arm The Reaper weapon “Diadochos Zaghnal” resembles an accessory with a striking golden rose design This is the record of the Reaper's scythe, Diadochos Zaghnal.The overall matte gold finish gives it 2024.10.23 Reaper Arm
Mount Cool dark villain chocobo armor with a black hood “Hades Barding” This is a record of the Chocobo equipment "Hades Barding."It is characterized by a black hood with a 2024.10.22 Mount
Mount All Saints’ Wake Ahriman’s mount “Circus Ahriman” for Halloween This is a record of the premium mount "Circus Ahriman" that can be purchased from the FF14 online st 2024.10.21 Mount
Minion Halloween All Saints’ Wake Ahriman’s minion “Continental Eye” This is a record of the paid minion "Continental Eye," which can be purchased from the FF14 online s 2024.10.20 Minion
Samurai Arm Antique royal Western sword, Samurai weapon “Archeo Kingdom Samurai Blade” This is a record of the samurai weapon "Archeo Kingdom Samurai Blade."It is a sword with very noble 2024.10.19 Samurai Arm
Minion A cute mechanical magic doll soldier! Minion “Mammet #001” This is a record of the cute magical doll Minion, "Mammet #001."The big helmet is a very cute featur 2024.10.18 Minion
Dancer Arm Antique and noble chakram Dancer throwing weapon “Archeo Kingdom Chakrams” This is a record of the Dancer's thrown weapon, the "Archeo Kingdom Chakrams."It's a very noble look 2024.10.17 Dancer Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “Halloween Mage” – Ranged Mage outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for ranged mages.Coordinates this time【Head】Manalis Ha 2024.10.16 Glamour
Glamour [Glamour] “White Rabbit Knight” – Halloween costume outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite Halloween glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Bunny Chief Crown 2024.10.15 Glamour
Machinist Arm Pirate-style flintlock pistol / Machinist weapon “Ruthenium-barreled Musketoon” This is a record of the Machinist weapon "Ruthenium-barreled Musketoon."This antique handgun is made 2024.10.14 Machinist Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “Chestnut Knight” A slightly steampunk autumn outfit This is a record of Noriko's favorite autumn glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgi 2024.10.13 Glamour
Pictomancer Arm The purple cyberpunk Pictomancer electronic brush “Claro Walnut Flat Brush” This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Claro Walnut Flat Brush.The overall look is based 2024.10.12 Pictomancer Arm
Samurai Arm The “Ruthenium Blade” is a samurai weapon with a carp pattern like those in Japanese gangster movies This is a record of the Samurai weapon, the "Ruthenium Blade."It is a white-scabbard sword without a 2024.10.11 Samurai Arm
Minion The dignified, graceful and cool hawk minion “Hunting Hawk” This is a record of The Firmament's minion, "Hunting Hawk."A dignified and cool hawk minion.When she 2024.10.10 Minion
Viper Arm Transformable cyberpunk viper dual-wielding weapon “Ra’Kaznar Twinfangs” This is a record of Viper's weapon, the "Ra'Kaznar Twinfangs."The "Bismuth Twinfangs" has a strong g 2024.10.09 Viper Arm
White Mage Arm A relic from Ronka? An ancient electric cane that glows purple, the White Mage weapon “Skydeep Cane” This is a record of the White Mage weapon "Skydeep Cane" that can be obtained from The Skydeep Cenot 2024.10.08 White Mage Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “Knight of Tuliyollal” – Quetzalli Mail of Fending Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite tank glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Schoolg 2024.10.07 Glamour
Pictomancer Arm A transforming brush that pops out, Pictomancer Weapon “Red Pine Flat Brush” This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Red Pine Flat Brush.The worn metal look is cool.It 2024.10.06 Pictomancer Arm
Astrologian Arm The Astrologian’s weapon, the “Vanguard Astrometer,” is like a space fortress This is a record of the astrologian weapon "Vanguard Astrometer" available in Vanguard (97ID).It is 2024.10.05 Astrologian Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A vanilla yellow cashmere poncho for a warm autumn look? This is a record of Noriko's favorite warm outfits that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates this ti 2024.10.04 Glamour
Mount A combined mount of Grandpa Ramuh and Ixion? “Ramuh” (Eden’s Verse: Refulgence (Savage)) This is a record of the mount "Ramuh" available in Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage).However, if you 2024.10.03 Mount
Minion A very cute baby owl, Minion “Owlet” This is a record of the owl minion, Owlet.It looks like a baby owl with blue feathers.The big eyes a 2024.10.02 Minion
White Mage Arm An antique cross staff with a large jewel, a White Mage weapon “Neo Kingdom Cane” This is a record of the White Mage's weapon, the Neo Kingdom Cane.It's a very stylish walking cane w 2024.10.01 White Mage Arm
Samurai Arm “Neo Kingdom Blade” is a four-sword samurai weapon equipped with a dagger This is a record of the Samurai weapon "Neo Kingdom Blade".The handle is made of wood. The overall a 2024.09.30 Samurai Arm
Glamour [Glamour] “The Pure Mage of White Eden” – Edenmorn Caster Gear Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamour for ranged mages.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eas 2024.09.29 Glamour
Summoner Arm A cute leather notebook-like Summoner weapon, the Neo Kingdom Index This is a record of the Summoner's weapon, "Neo Kingdom Index."This is a rare leather notebook-style 2024.09.28 Summoner Arm
Mount A colorful and cute Mandragora mount with hibiscus flowers dancing, “Island Adenium” This is a record of the mount "Island Adenium" available in The Island Sanctuary.It has the most viv 2024.09.27 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] “White-robed Sengoku Warlord” Samurai AF6 Gear Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite Samurai glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Far Eastern Scho 2024.09.26 Glamour
Warrior Arm A heat hawk with an IC chip? The Warrior’s electronic axe, the “Vanguard War Axe” This is a record of the warrior weapon "Vanguard War Axe" that can be obtained in Vanguard (97ID).It 2024.09.25 Warrior Arm
Dancer Arm A three-edged poison needle like a ninja’s kunai / Dancer’s weapon “Neo Kingdom Terpna” This is a record of the Dancer's thrown weapon, "Neo Kingdom Terpna."At first glance, it looks like 2024.09.24 Dancer Arm
Machinist Arm A truly space weapon, the beam rifle / Machinist weapon “Vanguard Pistol” This is a record of the machinist gun, the Vanguard Pistol, available in Vanguard.It's a futuristic 2024.09.23 Machinist Arm
Paladin Arm The royal and beautiful sword and shield of the knight, Paladin weapon “Neo Kingdom Tulwar & Kite Shield” This is a record of the Paladin weapons "Neo Kingdom Tulwar" and "Neo Kingdom Kite Shield".The shiel 2024.09.22 Paladin Arm
Sage Arm A slightly pop disc-shaped funnel, the sage weapon “Vanguard Syrinxi” This is a record of the Sage's Nouliths "Vanguard Syrinxi" that can be obtained in Vanguard (97ID).T 2024.09.21 Sage Arm
White Mage Arm Antique candlestick cane, White Mage weapon “Archeo Kingdom Candelarod” This is a record of the White Mage's weapon, the Archeo Kingdom Candelarod.When you aim it, it light 2024.09.20 White Mage Arm
Viper Arm Dual-wielding beam sabers! Viper’s electronic weapon, “Vanguard Twinfangs” This is a record of Viper's dual-wielding weapon, the Vanguard Twinfangs, which can be obtained in V 2024.09.19 Viper Arm
Pictomancer Arm Antique cross brush, Pictomancer weapon “Neo Kingdom Round Brush” This is a record of the Pictomancer's weapon, the Neo Kingdom Round Brush.The overall design has an 2024.09.18 Pictomancer Arm