Glamour [Glamour] Black military uniform Casting Coordination with Supreme “Augmented Shire Philosopher’s Coat” and “Sharlayan Hat”
Dark Knight Arm Dark Knight’s MW 3rd Stage / Bewitching Devil’s Greatsword “Majestic Manderville Greatsword”
Paladin Arm Paladin’s AF5 weapon “Lightbringer & Hero’s Shield”, which bears the name of the strongest sword and shield of all time
Dancer Arm Dancer’s Resistance Weapon (RW) Third Form (Fourth Stage) Antique and Cute “Law’s Order Chakrams”
Bard Arm A summary of all 8 stages of the Bard’s Anima Weapon (AW)! This is a record of a compilation of all forms of the Bard's Anima Weapon (AW).▼📝 How to make Anima 2024.06.02 Bard Arm
Glamour [Glamour] The Blue Sky Knight – Shadowbringers Alphinaud Costume Arrangement This is a record of Noriko's favorite glamours.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl's H 2024.06.01 Glamour
Mount The Akh Afah Amphitheater (Extreme)’s mount, Boreas, is a divine blue horse of the north wind with dancing ice This is a record of the mount "Boreas" available at The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme).It's a beaut 2024.05.31 Mount
Bard Arm Bard’s AW final stage: Golden bow of blue light arrow “Terpander Lux” This is a record of the Bard's Anima Weapon (AW) 8th stage (final form), "Terpander Lux".The design 2024.05.30 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 7th stage: Ancient bow that fires arrows of light “Terpander” This is a record of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW) seventh form "Terpander".In previous stages of evolutio 2024.05.29 Bard Arm
Artifact Scholar’s AF5 / Cute aristocratic military uniform “Academic” (Lalafell Female Ver.) This is a record of the "Academic" series of Scholar's AF5 equipment (equipment exclusive to Endwalk 2024.05.28 Artifact
Mount The island sanctuary’s tomato mandragora king mount “Island Tomato King” This is a record of Mandragora's mount "Island Tomato King" available at The island sanctuary.It's a 2024.05.27 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] A blacksmith girl who wears a maid costume and uses a mace This is a record of Noriko's favorite Glamour that supports all jobs.Coordinates this time【Head】Far 2024.05.26 Glamour
Mount Chocobo equipment for Nezha of Hoshin Engi? The “Nezha Barding” of the Red Lotus This is a record of the paid Chocobo equipment "Nezha Barding" that can be purchased at the FF14 onl 2024.05.25 Mount
Artifact Cool and cute like a military uniform, Scholar AF4 “Arbatel” Attire (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the "Albatel" series of scholar's AF4 equipment (equipment exclusive to Shadowbr 2024.05.24 Artifact
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 6th stage: Psychoframe’s light-filled bow “Sharpened Bow of the Autarch” This is a record of the sixth form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), "Sharpened Bow of the Autarch."If yo 2024.05.23 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 5th stage: Gundam UC-like futuristic bow “Bow of the Autarch” This is a record of the 5th form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), the Bow of the Autarch.It's a beautifu 2024.05.22 Bard Arm
Mount The island sanctuary’s large hairy cow (yak?) mount “Island Buffalo” This is a record of the wild cow mount "Island Buffalo" at The island sanctuary.It is a "buffalo" wi 2024.05.21 Mount
Glamour [Glamour] Steamy mechanic boy (Coordination for Physical Ranged DPS) This is a record of my favorite Glamour for Physical Ranged DPS.▼DAWNTRAIL job action videoThis time 2024.05.20 Glamour
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 4th stage: Sacred bow that pierces light “Hyperconductive Gandiva” This is a record of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW) Fourth Form "Hyperconductive Gandiva."If you're just ca 2024.05.19 Bard Arm
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 3rd stage: Sacred bird’s beautiful harp “Gandiva” This is a record of the third form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), "Gandiva".It is a harp-like bow with 2024.05.18 Bard Arm
Glamour [Glamour] A little steampunk scholar AF1 arrangement coordination This is a record of Noriko's favorite scholar Glamour.This time's coordination【Head】Nabaath Cap of H 2024.05.17 Glamour
Artifact A scholar’s AF3 equipment that looks like a cute aristocratic outfit “Orator” (Lalafell female version) This is a record of the Scholar's AF3 Attire (Stormblood Lv70 job-specific equipment) "Orator" serie 2024.05.16 Artifact
Bard Arm Bard’s AW 2nd Stage – Shining Musical Arabic Bow “Berimbau Awoken” This is a record of the second form of Bard's Anima Weapon (AW), "Berimbau Awoken."By the way, this 2024.05.15 Bard Arm
Glamour [Glamour] I cosplayed as The Apothecary Diaries “Maomao”! This is a record of Noriko trying out the glamor of "Maomao" from "The Apothecary Diaries".Coordinat 2024.05.14 Glamour
Minion Minion from Yo-Kai Watch, a cute rabbit in a space suit? “USApyon” This is a record of the minion "USApyon" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.A rabbit with a c 2024.05.13 Minion
Minion Yo-kai Watch’s Minion: Hell’s cute dark princess “Damona” This is a record of the minion "Damona" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.Like Blizzaria, sh 2024.05.12 Minion
Dancer Arm Yo-kai Watch Damona Dark Crystal’s cute Dancer weapon “Glaives of the Dark Princess” This is a record of the Dancer throwing weapon "Glaives of the Dark Princess" from the Yo-kai Watch 2024.05.11 Dancer Arm
Minion Yo-Kai Watch’s Minion – Cute kimono snow girl “Blizzaria” This is a record of the minion "Blizzaria" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.Sometimes she m 2024.05.10 Minion
Black Mage Arm Yo-kai Watch Blizzaria Cute snowflake Black Mage cane “Staff of the Snow Maiden” This is a record of the Black Mage weapon "Staff of the Snow Maiden" from the Yo-kai Watch collabora 2024.05.09 Black Mage Arm
Minion A cute cat samurai with a katana, a minion from Yo-kai Watch, “Shogunyan” This is a record of the minion "Shogunyan" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.He wears a cres 2024.05.08 Minion
Paladin Arm Yo-kai Watch Shogunyan’s Japanese-style weapon for the Paladin “Whisker of the Brave Cat & Buckler of the Legendary Cat” This is a record of the Paladin weapons "Whisker of the Brave Cat" and "Buckler of the Legendary Cat 2024.05.07 Paladin Arm
Minion Yo-Kai Watch’s minion cool cat floating spirit “Hovernyan” This is a record of the minion "Hovernyan" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.His distinctive 2024.05.06 Minion
Dark Knight Arm Yo-kai Watch Hovernyan Dark Knight’s precious Japanese-style great sword “Fang of the Fearless Cat” This is a record of the Dark Knight's weapon "Fang of the Fearless Cat" from the Yo-kai Watch collab 2024.05.05 Dark Knight Arm
Minion Yo-kai Watch Minion / Cute Ghost Butler “Whisper” This is a record of the minion "Whisper" from the Yo-kai Watch collaboration event.It's a very expre 2024.05.04 Minion