This is a record of the minion, Wind-up Moogle, which is a bonus included in the Collector’s Edition of A Realm Reborn.

Look! A cute Moogle has joined us♪

Fufu, the Moogle quest was tough, but Moogles are still so cute.

There is a large pom-pom on his head, which is his trademark.

Fluffy and very cute face!

It has wings on its back that flap constantly.

And sometimes they dance for me♪

Sometimes he dances around in the air.

Moogle is cute, but there aren’t many of them among Minions, so they’re quite rare♪

What’s more, when these Minions get together, they dance in a circle.

Wow, is that so? I’ll introduce it to my friend’s Moogle next time♪

By the way, this Wind-up Moogle is a bonus feature of the A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition, so you can obtain it at any time by upgrading to the A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition from the Mog Station.

It seems like a lot of people don’t know that you can upgrade later, so I have to let them know.

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes our record of the cute Moogle minion, Wind-up Moogle!

I’m so happy to be able to travel with Moogle-chan♪