* May your Eorzean days be filled with happiness ! :) *


Warrior Arm

Yokai Watch Jibanyan’s cute red Warrior weapon “Paw of the Crimson Cat”

This is a record of the warrior weapon "Paw of the Crimson Cat" from the Yokai Watch collaboration e

Minion from Yo-kai Watch, a cute yellow guardian dog monster? “Komajiro”

This is a record of the minion "Komajiro" who will join you in the Yokai Watch collaboration event.H
Scholar Arm

Yo-kai Watch Komajiro’s cute scholar’s soft book “Codex of the Shrine Guardian”

This is a record of the scholar's weapon "Codex of the Shrine Guardian" that can be obtained at the

Unique and steampunk crow scholar AF2 gear “Savant” (Lalafell female version)

This is a record of the "Savant" series of scholar's AF2 equipment (equipment exclusive to Heavenswa
Warrior Arm

“Deepshadow Axe” is a dark fantasy Warrior axe that sparkles in red

This is a record of the Warrior's weapon "Augmented Deepshadow Axe".It is an axe with a complex shap

[Glamour] Cute dirndl costume in Princess Snow White color (Lalafell female version)

This is a record of Noriko's favorite daily wear Glamour that can be worn for all jobs.Coordinates t
Black Mage Arm

Cute Black Mage staff with rotating clock hands – FF13 collaboration “Mog’s Staff”

This is a record of the FF13 collaboration Black Mage weapon "Mog's Staff".Since the name is "Mog's

Cute military uniform costume with navy blue blazer / Scholar AF1 different color “Argute” (Lalafell female Ver.)

This is a record of the "Argute" series of scholar's AF1 equipment in different colors.Argute Attire

Scholar’s AF1 equipment “Scalar” (Lalafell female ver.) with cute round glasses and military uniform style

This is a record of the "Scalar" series of scholar's AF1 equipment (equipment exclusive to A Realm R
Samurai Arm

Taisho Romantic Western-style saber Samurai weapon with a protective fist “Kagehide”

This is a record of the samurai weapon "Kagehide" available at The Great Gubal Library.There is a gu

“Fat Cat” is a cute big kitten minion that rolls around

This is a record of the cat minion "Fat Cat".This is a cute little kitten.She usually sits on the gr
Ninja Arm

Thavnair’s treasured decorative dagger / Ninja weapon “Palaka Cleavers”

This is a record of the Ninja's twin swords "Palaka Cleavers" available in Vanaspati.However, if you
Black Mage Arm

Y’shtola’s staff from Shadowbringers – Black Mage weapon with beautiful purple jewels “Nightseeker”

This is a record of the Black Mage's weapon "Nightseeker".It is a black wooden staff with a rather c

Astrologianr’s AF5 attire that depicts the starry sky “Astronomia” (Larafell female version)

This is a record of the "Astronomia" series of Astrologian's AF5 equipment (equipment exclusive to E

Dark fantasy chain wolf chocobo armor “Wolf Barding”

This is a record of the PvP chocobo costume "Wolf Barding".As the name suggests, the design is based
Bard Arm

Moon Devil’s Bewitching Bow / Bard Weapon “Lunar Envoy’s Composite Bow”

This is a record of the Bard's weapon "Lunar Envoy's Composite Bow".Although it has a black base, wh

Shadowbringers’ Alphinaud costume “Crystarium Prodigy’s Attire” (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the paid equipment "Crystarium Prodigy's Attire" that can be purchased at the FF
Paladin Arm

“The Eminent Dominion & Mol Shield” is a club-like weapon for Paladin of the Mol tribe

This is a record of the paladin weapons "The Eminent Dominion" and "Mol Shield" that can be obtained

Too cute brown tabby kitten minion “Tora-jiro”

This is a record of the cute kitten minion "Tora-jiro".This is a brown tabby kitten with round eyes.

[Glamour] Cute ribbon knight in white leather corset armor

This is a record of Noriko's favorite tank Glamour.Coordinates this time【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl

FF16 Clive’s Glamor Costume “Metian” Attire (Lalafell Ver.)

This is a record of the FF16 collaboration event costume "Metian" Attire.Metian Attaia【Body】Metian V
Dancer Arm

Valuable and beautiful square shuriken / Dancer throwing weapon “Shire Glaives”

This is a record of the Dancer's throwing weapon "Augmented Shire Glaives".This is a very rare squar
Astrologian Arm

An Astrologian’s weapon like a silver rose accessory “Ktiseos Planisphere”

This is a record of the astrologer's weapon "Ktiseos Planisphere" available in Ktisis Hyperboreia.Th

puppy? kitten? FF16 collaboration cute wolf minion “Torgal Pup”

This is a record of the minion "Torgal Pup" from the FF16 collaboration event.This is a very cute li

FF16 collaboration cute dog (wolf) mount “Torgal”

This is a record of the mount Torgal from the FF16 collaboration event.He has a very cute face.His f
Samurai Arm

A Samurai sword that looks like a mobile suit weapon “Augmented Lost Allagan Katana”

This is a record of the Samurai weapon "Augmented Lost Allagan Katana".It is a sword with an overall
Bard Arm

A fun cactus Bard weapon with a cute star arrow “Senor Sabotender’s Longbow”

This is a record of the Gold Saucer's Bard weapon "Senor Sabotender's Longbow."It's so cute to see t
White Mage Arm

“Clearpath” is a mechanical White Mage cane that seems to be able to generate electromagnetic pulses

This is a record of the White Mage's weapon "Clearpath".There is something like a gear at the top of
Ninja Arm

Cactus fan with beautiful stained glass ? Ninja weapon “Senor Sabotender’s Fansn”

This is a record of Gold Saucer's Ninja weapon "Senor Sabotender's Fans".It is a twin sword with a c
Astrologian Arm

“Crystarium Planisphere” is an Astrologian’s weapon that looks like an antique padlock or wall clock

This is a record of the Astrologian's weapon "Augmented Crystarium Planisphere".There is something l