Paladin Arm “Shadowkeeper” weapon “Deepshadow Sword & Shield” for Paladin, a dark fantasy that glows red
Reaper Arm The Reaper weapon “Diadochos Zaghnal” resembles an accessory with a striking golden rose design
Dark Knight Arm Dark knight’s precious Japanese sword “Odenta Kai” Fashionable long sword like a kaleidoscope
Artifact Gunbreaker AF6 gear “Bastion” (Lalafell Male Ver.) with a leather coat like a rider’s jacket
White Mage Arm “Suzaku’s Flame-kissed Cane”, a white mage’s cane in the style of a Den-Den Taiko with dancing Suzaku’s flames.
Machinist Arm Machinist Resistance Weapon (RW) “All Forms” Appearance and Acquisition Method (Evolution Method) Summary
Paladin Arm Royal Knight’s Large Sword and Shield, Paladin Weapon “Archeo Kingdom Broadsword & Scutum”
Artifact Reaper’s AF4 & AF3 equipment / Crow costume “Harvester” & “Muzhik” series (Lalafell Men’s Ver.)
Monk Arm The metal punch monk’s weapon, the Diadochos Knuckles, is just the right shape for your hand.
Gunbreaker Arm Gunbreaker Resistance Weapon (RW) First Form, Large and Sophisticated Cylinder Bayonet “Crownsblade” This is Gunbreaker's Resistance Weapon (RW) first form "Crownsblade"The design of the cylinder part 2020.10.28 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Large antique wooden gunblade Abania’s gun breaker weapon “Hrotti” This is an antique wooden gunblade "Hrotti"When you look closer, it is finely decorated and even the 2020.10.25 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Antique and fashionable gunbreaker weapon, wooden gunblade “Wakasa Shin” This is a very fashionable gunbreaker weapon with an antique design "Wakasa Shin"It is a cute design 2020.10.24 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Fashionable knife Gunbreaker’s Arm “Doman Iron Gunblade” with a classic design This is a classic design gunblade "Doman Iron Gunblade"When I'm carrying it, it's a little short gun 2020.10.23 Gunbreaker Arm
Gunbreaker Arm Elegant and fashionable large knife-like gunbreaker weapon “Ghost Barque Gunblade” This is a stylish gunbreaker equipment "Ghost Barque Gunblade"Since it is a gun blade, it has a revo 2020.10.22 Gunbreaker Arm